Hero Name

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The Hero Name has 2 parts: The Hero Rank and The Hero Title

Hero Rank

It raises with the player level

Rank 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Name Initiate Journeyman Skilled Adept Veteran Elite Grand Illustrious Glorious Exalted Legendary
Min Lv 45

Hero Title

It depends on the Class and Kingdom (includes neutral) of the Character so you have 22 classe x 4 kingdoms Titles.

Race Class Neutral Hero Dominion Hero Order Hero Shadow Hero
Human Defender Chevalier Dragoon Knight Gladiator
Human Bounty Hunter Adventurer Agent Swashbuckler Assassin
Human Sorcerer Thaumaturge Spellweaver Archmage Warlock
Human Enchanter Artificer Illusionist Channeler Occultist
Human Ranger Explorer Tracker Warder Stalker
Human Alchemist Apothecary Hermeticist Transmuter Calefactor
Tumerok Feral Intendant Courser Beastspeaker Pack Master Savager
Tumerok Zealot Disciple Myrmidon Visionary Fanatic
Tumerok Invoker Hougan Hierophant Ghost Walker Soulbinder
Tumerok Healer Chirurgeon Bonemender Lifebringer Paincrafter
Tumerok Claw Bearer Shredder Predator Dervish Slayer
Tumerok Hive Keeper Wasp Master

Wasp Mistress

Hiveminder Nest Guardian Swarm Lord
Lugian Juggernaut Sentinel Legionnaire Champion Warlord
Lugian Berserker Destroyer Conqueror Vanquisher Annihilator
Lugian Sage Clairvoyant Savant Diviner Doomsayer
Lugian Elementalist Geomancer Summoner Conjuror Stormcaller
Lugian Raider Marauder Subjugator Grenadier Reaver
Lugian Tactician Strategist Engineer Architect Siegesmith
Empyrean Templar Commander Orthodox Crusader Heretic
Empyrean Hieromancer Pedagogue Inquisitor* Freethinker* Deceiver*
Empyrean Mentalist Telepath Mesmerist Empath Transcendant
Drudge Drudge (Melee) Big Boss Strong Boss Nice Boss Bad Boss
  • The ones with "*" still to be confirmed. Credits to Ac2wiki team and Skinlab from AC2hero

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