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Compared to the tribal nature of the Tumeroks and high-fantasy feel of the Humans, the Lugians tend to employ mechanical principles to get the job done. Perhaps nowhere else is this better embodied than the Tactician, capable of setting up and maintaining turrets (as well as other objects) about the landscape. These turrets function as static pets; while they do not follow their master about, they do remain in the world after he or she leaves, attacking enemies that stray too near.
Tacticians are Lugian Missile Characters that have unique immovable pets. Turrets, once placed cannot be moved and can have a variety of upgrades applied. Tacticians can also put barriers in place to absorb damage, poison, or freeze enemies.
SOLO PLAY: Since turrets cannot be moved, they are best placed in areas with consistent semi-quick spawn rates, but the turrets can be easily overwhelmed if placed too close to a quick spawning mob. Dungeons or static landscape spawns can be great areas to set up turrets and barriers. Once in place, the Tactician will split their time between defending/maintaining the turrets and barriers, and dealing with attackers.
GROUP PLAY: Tacticians can either be an odd man out in group play or the life of the party depending on the situation. Since the turrets are stuck in place, they are best used for dealing out additional damage in boss battles, or mowing down static mobs. Barriers can help slow down monsters, and act as temporary tanks by blocking monsters entirely if properly placed.
Contents |
This is a list of skills for all Tacticians. Some may use a different set with small changes but the main stream of skills that makes a Tactician is here. Due to so few of the Tacticians skills being optional, there is little room for variation. The Missile tree is only sparsely used to get a few helpful skills, as the Tactician can make great use of almost every skill in their specific tree.
We will only list the skills that most Tacticians use. Other skills can be put to good use, but most skills will be focused on assisting turrets. Total investment of 12 skill credits.
- Missile Mastery, Missile Grandmaster and Missile Paragon - Chance to Hit with Missile Skills and Avoid Missile Damage.
- Windup - Close range melee attack that is mainly taken to get to other skills and adds a lot of damage when vulnerable.
- Rout - A knock-back skill, and enhances the effect of Subjugate.
- Subjugate - A missile skill that lowers the natural armor level of the target. More effective if used after Rout.
Melee skills for a Lugian are a necessity in order to have access to Wellspring for vigor heals. Total investment of 3 skill credits.
- Smite - Melee attack that is mainly taken to get to other skills and adds a lot of damage when vulnerable.
- Life Unbound - A skill that increases the user's maximum health.
- Wellspring - A targeted vigor heal.
Magic skills for a Lugian are a necessity in order to have access to Comfort to heal yourself. Total investment of 2 skill credits.
- Pain Touch - Close range magic attack that is mainly taken to get to other skills and adds a lot of damage when vulnerable.
- Comfort - A targeted health heal.
These are the skills that define the Class. There are some different builds possible but we will list all skills in the tree.
- Small Turret Casing - Creates a small turret that will attack enemies that come within range. Health, vigor, armor level, duration, and damage increase with level. Long cooldown of 10 minutes.
- Repair - Heals a targeted turret. Since turrets have no natural health regeneration, this is the only way to restore their health.
- Twin Barrels - Ammunition upgrade. Allows the turret to fire two shots at a time, effectively doubling damage output.
- Create Barrier - Builds a barrier that seems to have a slight taunt to nearby monsters. Does not attack, but makes for an effective damage sponge.
- Sabotage - A missile attack with a higher change to be a critical hit.
- Grapeshot - Ammunition upgrade. Allows the turret to damage all enemies in range of the target.
- Large Turret Casing - Creates a large turret that will attack enemies that come within range. Health, vigor, armor level, and damage are much higher than the Small Turret Casing. Long cooldown of 10 minutes.
- Slough Field - Builds a barrier that uses poison attacks on enemies that come too close. Has about 2/3 the health and armor of the same level Barrier.
- Barrage - A triple missile attack.
- Precision Targeting - A missile attack that if successful, will increase the damage done to the target by turrets.
- Armor-Piercing Ammo - Ammunition upgrade. Allows the turret to ignore a portion of the target's armor. Appears broken.
- Wall of Ice - Builds a barrier that uses ice attacks on enemies and slows their run speed.
- Rapid Fire - Ammunition upgrade. Allows the turret to attack at a much faster rate.
- Tactician Adept - Increases the likelihood of hitting with and defending against Tactician attacks. DOES NOT increase the accuracy of turrets.
Tactician Hero
These Skills are only available at level 45+ and only after becoming a Hero.
- Siege Cannon - A missile attack that ignores a portion of the enemy's armor and also has a substantial knockback effect.
- File:SkillCrystalWall.png - Crystal Wall - Builds a barrier that reflects damage back to attackers.
- File:SkillOverdriveTurret.png - Overdrive Turret - Ammunition upgrade. Allows a Large Turret to fire a powerful burst for a short period.