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Achemists are Human Missile Characters that have higher Damage abilities. They have two different sub-classes: the Dark Side Alchemist and the "Light" Side Alchemist. In the light side they have also some capacity for Croud Crontrol. They can't take a lot of Melee or Magic Damage and are usually played as DAMAGE DEALERS. . They have limited self healing capacity.
SOLO PLAY: Alchemists are fair to play solo due to the high damage and fast killing. They can easy solo 2 or more levels above his own level and sometimes even 5 or more.
GROUP PLAY: Alchemists are looked for to play Damage Dealers.
Contents |
This is a list of Skills for all Alchemists. Some may use a different set with small changes but the main stream of skills that makes an Alchemist is here. It starts with the base Missile tree, then the specially tree from Alchemist. Inside the Alchemist tree we will address normal and hero skills.
We will list all the skills in Missile. Some kills in Missile tree can be learned but some require a bow to be put to good use, so only some are used by the majority of Alchemist players. Check also Damage & Mitigation for a lot more information on debuffs and its effects.
- Missile Mastery, Missile Grandmaster and Magic Paragon - Chance to Hit with Missile Skills and Avoid Missile Damage
- Point Blank - Close Range Missile attack with bonus damage if vulnerable.
- Strong Pull - Very long ranged Missile attack with bonus damage if vulnerable.
- Dash - A self only run speed buff.
- Critical Shot - A missile ranged damage attack with extra critical chance.
- Double Shot - A double missile ranged attack.
- Bluff - A Close Range attack that as a chance to detaunt the target.
- Fire Arrow - A Ranged Missile Fire attack that leaves a DoT in target.
- Guided Arrow - A Very Long ranged Missile attack with bonus hit chance.
- Gated Arrow - A Very Long ranged Missile attack that is much faster then any other.
- Recoup - A self only VoT temporary buff.
- Mending - A self only Health regeneration temporary buff.
- Disease Arrow - A Very long ranged Missile attack that also reduces vigor from target.
- Impeding Doom - A Very long ranged Missile attack that can slow the target.
- Hamstring - A Very long ranged Missile attack that slows the target.
- Eye Rake - A Close Range attack that debuffs the Melee skills of target.
- Exploding Arrow - A Very long ranged Fire Missile AOE attack that also leaves a DoT in all targets.
- Poison Arrow - A Very long ranged Missile attack that reduces combat speed.
These are the skills that define the Class. There are some different builds possible but we will list all skills in tree. Alchemist have 2 "sub-classes" because Dark Side prevent from using a lot of spells. Usually non-dark side alchemists are calles "Light Side".
- Fire Breath - Fire Attack that also DoTs the target and does extra damage is vulnerable
- Alchemist Adept - Mastery for Alchemist Skills.
- Oxidize - Fire Attack that also makes target more vulnerable to fire attacks
- Dizzying Fumes - Missile AOE attack that also leaves a "negative VoT" on target and does bonus damage if vulnerable.
- Stink Bomb - Missile AOE attack that also confuses the creature.
- Explosive Concoction - Long Range Missile AOE Fire attack.
- Thin Air - Missile AOE attack that also reduces all run speed from targets.
- Concusion Grenade - Missile AOE attack that also knockback the targets and does extra damage if vulnerable.
- Combustive Field - Creates a Fire Wall that damages all that touch it and avoid monsters to cross it.
- Everlasting Fire - Missile AOE Fire attack that also leaves a DoT in targets and does extra damage if vulnerable.
- Dark Side - A self only skill that increases the maximum health and the vigor and decreases the regeneration of caster. This skill bars light side alchemy skills from being used and change most of missile stats to affect melee.
- Tranquility - Caster leaves Dark Side and is self healed.
- Festering Wounds - Strong Melee attack that leaves a Bleed (Melee DOT).
- Furor - Powerfull double strike Melee attack.
- Blight - Melee attack that also debuffs the target attack skills.
- Blood Feast - A Life Draining Melee attack.
- Extinguish Blaze - A target fire disease heal that can make the target immune to fire attacks for a short duration.
- Healing Formula - A self centered AOE Heal that affects all fellow.
- Seething Tonic - A self centered AOE Buff that increases all fellow damage.
Alchemist Hero
These Skills are only available at lv 45+ and only after becoming a Hero.
- Hero Mastery - Increases chance to Hit and Avoid Melee, Magic and Missile attacks.
- Bonus Damage Pool - Alchemist's Hero Passive is an Damage Pool Bonus.
- Arcane Lore - Passive skill that allows players to equip better quality armor and weapons.
- Elixir of Life - Resurrect a fallen ally.
- Caustic Breath - (Lv60+).
- Immolation - (Lv70+).
We will list also some Magic skills. Heals are used by the majority of Alchemist players, but also some buffs can be trained.
- Ease Suffering - Targeted Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Inner Calm - Targeted Vigor Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Rushed Recovery - Transfer some Health into 3 times its value in Vigor.
- Robustify - Fellow Buff that improves health Regeneration.
- Tenaciousness - Fellow Buff that improves Vigor Regeneration.
- Encase - Fellow Buff that improves natural Armor. Stacks with other armor buffs.