Damage over Time

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Damage over Time, usually called DoT, means any spell or effect that applies a damaging skill recurrently in a specific period of time. DoTs are usually measured in damage per second.

To completely understand a DoT effect we need to know 3 specific information:

  • DoT Periodicity - Defines the time taken to apply each recurrent effect from the DoT. This is usually called TIC(time) or time to TIC.
  • DoT Intensity - Defines the Raw Power of the Effect. Usually described in damage per second (dps) or damage per tic.
  • DoT Duration - Defines the time until the effect run outs.

The Total DoT damage can be discovered by one of these formulas:

  • damage per second x Duration (if the dps is given)
  • damage per tic x Duration : tic (if damage per tic is given)

IF a spell or effect has a base damage and a DoT we can only figure the magnitude of it when we add the Total DoT damage to the base damage.

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