Category:Quest Item

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Iconattunedchaoscrystal.jpg Back to Items

Found a strange item in your pack, and can't remember where it came from or how it's used? This is a list of known quest items and their functions. For quest keys, see our Keys page.

Item Name Obtained from Used for Attuned
Iconablankatlanemblem.jpg A Blank Atlan Emblem Dropped by undead in Smith's Chambers Atlan Weapons
Iconaconite.jpg Aconite Ground spawns in Kydi Delta Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconbonetalisman.jpg Akkilea's Talisman Obtained during quest Purification
Iconalmsbag.jpg Alms Bag Given by Menaluc during quest Alms Giving
Iconamethystoforder.jpg Amethyst of Order Obtained during quest The Ancient Periapt Yes
Iconamuletofseeking.jpg Amulet of Seeking Dropped by Seeker Faisi Sclavus Eeruk's Loot No
Iconancientmonoguabone.jpg Ancient Monogua Bone Given by Feral Pet Lasher Nature's Ally Yes
Iconancienttempleamulet.jpg Ancient Temple Amulet Obtained during quest Moarsman Mania, Ancient Amulet
Iconanthracitegem.jpg Anthracite Gem Obtained by doing subquest Pumping Iron and Nature's Ally Yes
Iconanthracitenecklace.jpg Anthracite Necklace Crafted during Chaos Dungeon Subquest Nature's Ally Yes
Iconantidotetothecurseoftheundead.jpg Antidote to the Curse of the Undead Quest recipe, Infectious Slime + Undead Venom Used in all Curse of the Undead (mount) quests No
Iconarcanumbook.jpg Arcanum Book Reckoning gem cache Recover the Arcanum's Library No
Iconarcanumcodex.jpg Arcanum Codex Reckoning gem cache Recover the Arcanum's Library No
Iconarcanumtome.jpg Arcanum Tome Reckoning gem cache Recover the Arcanum's Library No
Iconarcanumscroll.jpg Arcanum Scroll Reckoning gem cache Recover the Arcanum's Library No
Iconatlanswordemblem.jpg Atlan Sword Emblem Imprint weapon type by using blank emblem on a weapon Atlan Weapons quest series No
Iconatlansweaponrecipes.jpg Atlan's Weapon Recipes Dropped by The Smith Atlan Weapons quest series
Iconasshmakspittle.jpg Asshmak Spittle Reward for The Sieve of Asshmak Shenua the Cunning
Iconattunedchaoscrystal.jpg Attuned Chaos Crystal Reward for Chaos Eidolon quest Cleanse the Chaos Forge Yes
Iconbagoffangdust.jpg Bag of Fang Dust Reward for Who's the Bravest Warrior? Shenua the Cunning
Iconbasicgearknightgear.jpg Basic Gear Knight Gear Created with craft crecipe Ludward's Dream
Iconblackmucorblightcure.jpg Black Mucor Blight Cure Obtained during quest Green Thumb
Iconbluepyrealmote.jpg Blue Pyreal Mote Obtained during quest Atlan Weapons quest series
Iconbluepyrealore.jpg Blue Pyreal Ore Ground spawns in Pyreal Mines Atlan Weapons quest series No
Iconbrokenobsidianmedallion.jpg Broken Obsidian Medallion Dropped by Gurog Marauders in Stoneshadow Plains Relics of the Golden Age Yes
Iconbrokenpumpmechanism.jpg Broken Pump Mechanism Obtained during quest Pumping Iron Yes
Iconbrownleatherhide.jpg Brown Leather Hide Created near end of quest Lumari Curse of the Undead Yes
Iconbrownrabbititem.jpg Brown Rabbit Obtained during quest Wild Hare
Iconburialgroundsreport.jpg Burial Grounds Report Marshal Aquilis in Vothardun Looting advances the Atlan Weapons quest series, but just lore other than that
Iconburunorders.jpg Burun Orders Obtained by killing Burun Scouts Burun Orders
Iconslavetaker.jpg Burun Slavetaker's Head Dropped by Burun Slavetaker The Slavetaker's Head No
Iconcarrots.jpg Carrots Obtained during quest Wild Hare
Iconchargedgolemheart.jpg Charged Golem Heart Obtained during quest Atlan Weapons
Iconchaospearl.jpg Chaos Pearl Dropped by Tainted Rabbit in Chaos Dungeon Nature's Ally Yes
Iconunusualtyrantegg.jpg Cleansed Tyrant Egg Obtained during quest The Mysterious Egg
CloudTyrantBlood.png Cloud Tyrant Blood Tyrant drop Blood of Tyrants Yes
CragTyrantBlood.jpg Crag Tyrant Blood Tyrant drop Blood of Tyrants Yes
Iconcragstonefarmssampler.jpg Cragstone Farms Sampler Obtained during quest Fast Food
Iconcronecookies.jpg Crone Cookies Ground spawns in Knorr Foundry, 35.4S 52.6E Foundry Mushroom Hunt No
Icondamageddowsingrod.jpg Damaged Dowsing Rod Obtained during quest White Wedding
Icondamagedgolemheart.jpg Damaged Golem Heart Fymras the Inquisitor in Vothardun Atlan Weapons
Icondarksyrup.jpg Dark Syrup Obtained during quest Green Thumb
Deadwardstone.jpg Dead Ward Stone Obtained during quest Trace the Bounds
Icondecayingmoundportalgem.jpg Decaying Mound Portal Gem Dropped by Jangled Shock Reapers Annihilate Ivorin Splinterlegs
Icondecoctionofaconite.jpg Decoction of Aconite Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconmucorgland.jpg Degenerate Mucor Gland Obtained during quest Mucor Mushroom Hunt Yes
Iconmucorgland.jpg Devolved Mucor Gland Obtained during quest Mucor Mushroom Hunt Yes
Icondiscardedcocoon.jpg Discarded Cocoon Given by Cocoon-Shrouded Bush. Nature's Ally quest Yes
Icondiseasedsaddle.jpg Diseased Saddle Dropped by mounted skeletons in quest area Used in all Curse of the Undead (mount) quests No
Icondowsingrod.jpg Dowsing Rod Obtained during quest White Wedding
Icondreamcaps.jpg Dreamcaps Ground spawns in Knorr Foundry, 30.7S 64.2E Foundry Mushroom Hunt No
Icondrivesystem.jpg Drive System Obtained during quest Gearknight Rumble
Iconeaterofbonesknuckle.jpg Eater of Bones' Knuckle Dropped by Eater of Bones Mystic Rituals (2)
Iconebonpyreal.jpg Ebon Pyreal Gurog, Ground spawns in Mount Malthabbor, Gevoth Linvak Soulbound Weapons, Armor of the Ancient Kings, Atlan Weapons, and to create Ebon Mana No
Iconartefonemerald.jpg Emerald Mined at Emerald Mines of Ulkas Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconempoweredspawnhusk.jpg Empowered Spawn Husk Given by Chaos Dungeon fountain. Nature's Ally quests Yes
Empoweredwardstone.jpg Empowered Ward Stone Obtained during quest Trace the Bounds
Iconempyreanfigurine.jpg Empyrean Figurine Ground spawns in Dank Empyrean Ruins Dank Relics Yes
Iconempyreanpottery.jpg Empyrean Pottery Ground spawn in Farali Wasteland, 27.2N, 93.8E Dank Relics Yes
Iconenchantedsilkthread.jpg Enchanted Silk Thread Dropped by Purified Spirit Spawn Nature's Ally quest Yes
Iconerobalremain.jpg Ero-Bal Remain Dropped by Ero-bal Ero-Bal Remains No
Iconessencevial.jpg Essence Vial Obtained during quest Deep Roots
Iconferrouspyreal.jpg Ferrous Pyreal Drudges, Ground spawns in Prosper Marches Pumping Iron, Ruby Mines of Ulkas, Armor of the Ancient Knights No
Iconfetichfetish.jpg Fetich Fetish Obtained during quest Deep Roots
Iconfidgetsmap.jpg Fidget's Map Fidget, Arramora Hoard of the Wild Carenzi
Icondecayingmoundportalgem.jpg Flawed Master Omishan Gem Obtained by killing wisps in wrong order Master Vault of Omishan No
Iconjaynascontract.jpg Fortune Teller's Counter-Offer Obtained during quest Trumped
Iconfragmentofenlightenment.jpg Fragment of Enlightenment Bloodstone drop Hero Initiation, Kingdom Points No
Icongarlandofflowers.jpg Garland of Flowers Obtained during quest Pumping Iron and Nature's Ally Yes
Icongkpart.jpg Gearknight Part Dropped by gearknights in Knorr Ramparts fighting pit Gearknight Rumble No
Iconglassalembic.jpg Glass Alembic Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions Yes
Iconlistrisniffisichor.jpg Glissna Niffis Ichor Dropped by Glissna Niffis Cleanse the Burial Mound Yes
Iconglowinggem.jpg Glowing Gem Dropped by Vent Shaft Guard Atlan Weapons Yes
Iconglowingspawnspore.jpg Glowing Spawn Spore Obtained during quest Into the Depths
Icongoldenbean.jpg Golden Bean Obtained during quest Golden Bean
Iconreaperhorns.jpg Grim Reaper Horns Grim Reaper drop, Prosper Marches Reaper Madness no
Icongruttburger.jpg Gruttburger Obtained during quest Fast Food
Iconheadoftheburunshrethwarden.jpg Head of the Burun Shrethwarden Obtained during quest Slay the Shrethwarden
Iconhottruffle.jpg Hot Truffle Ground spawns in Knorr Foundry, 33.9S 61.7E Foundry Mushroom Hunt No
Iconimbuedemerald.jpg Imbued Emerald Obtained during Shoyanen's Solutions quest Armor of the Ancient Kings
Iconimbuedruby.jpg Imbued Ruby Obtained during Shoyanen's Solutions quest Armor of the Ancient Knights
Iconimbuedsapphire.jpg Imbued Sapphire Obtained during Shoyanen's Solutions quest Armor of the Ancient Lords
Iconimprintedgolemheart.jpg Imprinted Golem Heart Obtained during quest Atlan Weapons, summons Repaired Golem three times Yes
Iconinfectiousslime.jpg Infectious Slime Dropped by undead monsters in quest area Used in all Curse of the Undead (mount) quests No
Iconinfusionofaconite.jpg Infusion of Aconite Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconmucormushroom.jpg Ivory Mucor Ground spawns in Knorr Foundry, 29.8S 57.4E Foundry Mushroom Hunt No
Iconjaynascontract.jpg Jayna's Contract Obtained during quest Trumped
Iconjournalofdianechuscari.jpg Journal of Dianech Uscari  ??? Mysteries of the Skyport Yes
Iconkartokswornsandals.jpg Kartok's Worn Sandals Obtained during quest Shades of the Lost Heroes Yes
Iconlandclaim.jpg Land Claim Obtained during quest Land Claim
Iconlargenut.jpg Large Nut Obtained during quest Hoard of the Wild Carenzi
Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg Ley Ataur Saddle Pattern Created near end of quest Lost Wish Curse of the Undead Yes
Iconlinvakaurastonescroll.jpg Linvak Aura Stone Scroll Singularity Troves Linvak Soulbound Weapons No
Iconlistrisniffisichor.jpg Listris Niffis Ichor Dropped by Listris Niffis Cleanse the Burial Mound Yes
Iconlugianengagementring.jpg Lugian Engagement Ring Obtained during quest White Wedding
Iconmagicbean.jpg Magic Bean Obtained during quest Golden Bean
Iconmagictoyball.jpg Magic Toy Ball Obtained during quest Follow the Bouncing Ball
Icondecayingmoundportalgem.jpg Master Omishan Gem Obtained by killing wisps in correct order Master Vault of Omishan No
Iconmedallionofopening.jpg Medallion of Opening Quest recipe Relics of the Golden Age Yes
Iconmoarsmanfinsoup.jpg Moarsman Fin Soup Obtained during quest Fast Food
Iconmoonstoneactivationcrystal.jpg Moonstone Activation Crystal Asheron's Cache Osteth Soulbound Weapons quest yes
Iconmucormushroom.jpg Mucor Mushroom Ground spawns in Farali Wasteland, Mucor Mushroom Grotto Green Thumb No
Iconmucorslime.jpg Mucor Slime Obtained during quest Green Thumb
Iconmuddywheel.jpg Muddy Wheel Obtained during quest The Ruins of Lin
Iconmulchtrowel.jpg Mulch Trowel Obtained during quest Golden Bean
Iconmysteriousbook.jpg Mysterious Book Obtained during quest The First Hivekeeper's Journal
Iconmysteriousdevice.jpg Mysterious Device Master Tinker in Vothardun Atlan Weapons quest series
Iconobsidianmedallionpiece.jpg Obsidian Medallion Piece Found in chest in Stoneshadow Plains, 20.7S 23.9W Relics of the Golden Age Yes
Iconopornefaneichor.jpg Opor Nefane Ichor Dropped by Opor Nefane Cleanse the Burial Mound Yes
Iconoporniffisichor.jpg Opor Niffis Ichor Dropped by Opor Niffis Cleanse the Burial Mound Yes
Iconostethwaspnestemblem.jpg Osteth Wasp Nest Emblem Drudge drop, Drudge Citadel and Prosper Marches Osteth Soulbound Weapons no
Iconpeddlersnet.jpg Peddler's Net Obtained during quest Follow the Bouncing Ball
Iconpelaataursaddlepattern.jpg Pela Ataur Saddle Pattern Created near end of quest Lumari Curse of the Undead Yes
Iconperiaptoftheancients.jpg Periapt of the Ancients Quest recipe The Ancient Periapt Yes
Iconpurpleleatherhide.jpg Purple Leather Hide Created near end of quest Vesayen Curse of the Undead quest Yes
Iconpyrealbar.jpg Pyreal Bar Created with craft recipe Atlan Weapons quest series Yes
Iconradiantlensofshadow.jpg Radiant Lens of Shadow Dropped by Shadows at Radiant Temples Radiant Enlightenment Yes
Iconhottruffle.jpg Reaper Head Mushroom Ground spawns in Knorr Foundry, 36.0S 59.6E Foundry Mushroom Hunt No
Iconredberrypreserve.jpg Red Berry Preserve Crafted during Nature's Ally quest Yes
Iconrefinerychiefsmedallion.jpg Refinery Chief's Medallion Dropped by Refinery Chief Atlan Weapons quest series
Iconrepairedpumpmechanism.jpg Repaired Pump Mechanism Obtained during quest Pumping Iron Yes
Iconrevenantconscriptthighbone.jpg Revenant Conscript Thighbone Dropped by Revenant Conscripts Lodrog the Forsaken Yes
Iconrevenantlegionarythighbone.jpg Revenant Legionary Thighbone Dropped by Revenant Legionaries Lodrog the Forsaken Yes
Iconrevenantprefectthighbone.jpg Revenant Prefect Thighbone Dropped by Revenant Prefects Lodrog the Forsaken Yes
Iconartefonruby.jpg Ruby Mined at Ruby Mines of Ulkas Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconrubyofturmoil.jpg Ruby of Turmoil Obtained during quest The Ancient Periapt Yes
Iconrustyblade.jpg Rusty Blade Obtained during quest The Ruins of Hebian-To, The Ruins of Lin
Iconsaelarsheart.jpg Saelar's Heart Dropped by boss of Osteth Master Vault Chaos Eidolon No
Iconartefonsapphire.jpg Sapphire Mined at Sapphire Mines of Ulkas Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconsatchel.jpg Satchel Obtained at start of quest Uncover the Past Yes
Iconscentedblossom.jpg Scented Blossom Obtained during quest Pumping Iron and Nature's Ally Yes
Iconsealoftheacademy.jpg Seal of the Academy Revenant drop, Mount Malthabbor Rytheran's Bane  ??
Iconseraataursaddlepattern.jpg Sera Ataur Saddle Pattern Created near end of quest Vesayen Curse of the Undead Yes
Iconshardofenlightenment.jpg Shard of Enlightenment Bloodstone drop Hero Initiation, Kingdom Points No
Iconsheunasbucketofgeyserwater.jpg Shenua's Bucket of Geyser Water Obtained during quest Shenua the Cunning
Iconshenuasemptybucket.jpg Shenua's Empty Bucket Obtained during quest Shenua the Cunning
Iconsiegestoresinstructions.jpg Siege Stores Instructions  ???  ?? Yes
Iconslithisseed.jpg Slithis Seed Drop from Spawn and Tendrils in Chaos Crater Slithis Hunt No
Iconslithisshake.jpg Slithis Shake Obtained during quest Fast Food
Iconsliverofenlightenment.jpg Sliver of Enlightenment Bloodstone drop Hero Initiation, Kingdom Points No
Iconsoddenashes.jpg Sodden Ashes Obtained during quest Land Claim
Iconspindrifttyrantblood.jpg Spindrift Tyrant Blood Spindrift Tyrant drop Blood of Tyrants
Iconspiritbutterflytoken.jpg Spirit Butterfly Token Obtained during subquest Nature's Ally Yes
ITEMSpiritofLostHeroes.png Spirit of Lost Heroes Obtained during quest Shades of the Lost Heroes
SquallTyrantBlood.jpg Squall Tyrant Blood Tyrant drop Blood of Tyrants Yes
Iconstarofheroes.jpg Star of Heroes  ???  ??? Yes
CloudTyrantBlood.png Storm Tyrant Blood Tyrant drop Blood of Tyrants Yes
Iconsucculenttruffle.jpg Succulent Truffle Obtained during quest Anthracite Gem subquest
Iconsuspensionofaconite.jpg Suspension of Aconite Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Icontealleatherhide.jpg Teal Leather Hide Created near end of quest Lost Wish Curse of the Undead Yes
Icontopazofjustice.jpg Topaz of Justice Obtained during quest The Ancient Periapt Yes
Iconburunorders.jpg Translated Burun Orders Obtained during quest Burun Orders
Icontroopstatus.jpg Troop Status Lord Relos in Vothardun Begins Aerfalle's Generals quest, but just lore other than that
Iconundeadvenom.jpg Undead Venom Dropped by undead monsters in quest area Used in all Curse of the Undead (mount) quests No
Iconunusualtyrantegg.jpg Unusual Tyrant Egg Ground spawn at Arramora, 23.9N 46.3W The Mysterious Egg
Iconwagonwheel.jpg Wagon Wheel Created with craft recipe Broken Wheel
Iconwandofrescue.jpg Wand of Rescue Obtained during quest Rescue the Folk
Iconwaspeggcluster.jpg Wasp Egg Cluster Obtained during quest Pumping Iron and Nature's Ally Yes
Iconwateringcan.jpg Watering Can Obtained during quest Golden Bean
Iconwatersofatolu.jpg Waters of Atolu Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconwatersofcoralen.jpg Waters of Coralen Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Iconwatersofmistcurlvale.jpg Waters of Mist Curl Vale Obtained during quest Shoyanen's Solutions No
Wood.jpg Weald Wood Walter's Orchard in west Prosper Marches, 5.4N 0.6W Armorcrafting by Dax, Helmsmithing by Chex
Iconwheelhub.jpg Wheel Hub Created with craft recipe Broken Wheel
Iconwheelrim.jpg Wheel Rim Created with craft recipe Broken Wheel
Iconwheelspoke.jpg Wheel Spoke Created with craft recipe Broken Wheel
Iconwhitepyreal.jpg White Pyreal Dropped by Burun, Ground spawn in Vesayen Islands Omishan Soulbound Weapons No
Iconwigglesluckyidol.jpg Wiggles' Lucky Idol Obtained during quest Wiggles' Lucky Idol quest
Icondrudgeteddybear.jpg Wiggle's Lucky Juju Obtained during quest Wiggle's Lucky Juju quest
Icondrudgevoodoodoll.jpg Wiggle's Lucky Voodoo Doll Obtained during quest Wiggle's Lucky Voodoo Doll quest
Iconwitheredblossom.jpg Withered Blossom Obtained by using Flowering Bush Pumping Iron, Nature's Ally, Fetch Dried Flowers No

Pages in category "Quest Item"

The following 184 pages are in this category, out of 184 total.







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