Blinding Serum

From Asheron's Call 2
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SKILLBlindingSerum.jpg Description Notes
Blinding Serum A poison based melee attack. More effective if performed after a successful use of the Maim skill. Spending XP on this skill increases both the amount of damage done and the magnitude of the effect.
Min Lv 35
Type Damage (Weapon)
Target Single
Main Effect Damage 3 (L1) - 75 (L50)
Secondary Effect Reduce Combat Speed 10%(L1) - 50%(L50)
Tertiary Effect On maim combo: Effect if 5 levels higher than normal 5
Duration 15(L1) - 30(L50) seconds
Range 1 meters
Vigor Cost 200
Reset Timer 7 sec
Max Skill Level 50
Skill Credits 3
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