
From Asheron's Call 2
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Hello, my name is Strimtom. I love this game, and want to help the community and bring those into it.

A little about me

I've been a turbine fan since the old AC1 days, played the crap out of that, DDO, and LotRO. Some of the recent turbine decision are why I haven't played those games in a while, but AC2 will always be in my heart.

My character names are:

  • Strimtom (33 Lugian Sage)
  • Gotward (30 Human Defender)
  • Gotwalda (39 Human Enchanter)
  • Strimtam (43 Lugian Juggernaut)
  • Gotchanter (37 Human Enchanter)

I don't level that fast, but I really enjoy the game. I would play more frequently, but I am currently pushing Savage in FFXIV and in between that and school and work I don't have too much time for extra play.

My IGN there is Gotwalda Aussircaex, and I play paladin.

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