Prosper Marches
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The ancient town of Shoushi was rooted in history long before the Golden Age of Dereth and the cataclysmic Fifth Sending and now stands partially rebuilt. Travelers should beware exploring the small bay island to the south of the region, for Inferno Drudges are rumored to have established a colony in that vicinity.
- A Calamity of Crones
- Armorcrafting by Dax
- Craven Scraven
- Drudge Manifesto Delivery
- Helmsmithing by Chex
- Holy Skyterror
- Incursion: Savage Lasher
- Incursion: Scythe Beetle
- Kill the Fleshfeast Lasher
- Moonshiner's Hitch
- Mystic Rituals (1)
- Mystic Rituals (2)
- Prosper Marches Curse of the Undead
- Reaper Madness
- Seek Out Dantry the Warder
- Seek the Drudge Counselors
- Spark's Elements
- Spellbinding by Clackety
- The Illuminated Manuscript
- The Slavetaker's Head
- Thornling Rumble
- Three Doctrines
- Top Secret Drudge Reconnaissance
- Weaponsmithing by Click
- Wiggles' Lucky Idol
- Wiggle's Lucky Juju
- Wiggle's Lucky Voodoo Doll
- Cedar, 10.0N 21.7E (Shoushi)
- Chex, (Shoushi)
- Clackety, (Shoushi)
- Click, (Shoushi)
- Daggle, (Shoushi)
- Dantry the First Warder, 7.4N 15.4E
- Dax, (Shoushi)
- Deago, (Shoushi)
- Drudge Heretics, 0.5N 18.9E (East outpost)
- Gormery, (Shoushi)
- Jlorryen, (Shoushi)
- King Corn, Jr., 10.6N 5.7E
- Kybee, (Shoushi)
- Osteth Weapons Golem
- Scritch, (Shoushi)
- Sparks, (Shoushi)
- Spirit of Artefun, 12.3N 12.2E
- Stretch, (Shoushi)
- Tamar
- Wiggles, (Shoushi)
Points of Interest
Towns and Outposts | Portals | Dungeons |
Slicer Beetle, 16
Reaper Beetle, 19
Scythe Beetle, 19
Poison Scythe Beetle, 19 group
Burun Slavetaker, 23
Grief Crone, 19
Pain Crone, 20
Torment Crone, 22
Beldam Crone, 23
Sorrow Crone, 25
Inferno Drudge Prowler, 14
Drudge Mystic, 16
Drudge Mystic Recruit, 16
Inferno Drudge Mystic, 16
Scowl Drudge, 17
Inferno Scowl Drudge, 17
Empowered Scowl Drudge, 17 group
Inferno Drudge Levy, 19
Inferno Drudge Cabalist, 21
Inferno Murk Drudge, 23
Captain Sneer, 24 group
Drudge Soldier, 24 group
Plaguebearer Grutt, 13 group
Morbific Grutt, 15 group
Morbific Grutt Boar, 15 group
Plaguebearer Grutt Boar, 15 group
Savage Lasher, 13
Terrible Lasher, 13
Vengeful Lasher, 15
Ceaseless Lasher, 16 group
Relentless Lasher, 17
Old Scratch Lasher, 19 group
Undead Brutish Monouga, 18 group
Eater of Bones, 23 group
Phyntos Wasp
Blue Phyntos Wasp, 18
Mire Phyntos Wasp, 20
Mire wasp Piercer, 20 group
Gold Phyntos Wasp, 22
Grim Reaper, 19
Woundtwister Reaper, 19 group
Pain Reaper, 21
Torment Reaper, 23
Hamekh Scraven, 13
Shimar Scraven, 13
Rukh Scraven, 14
Skyterror, 15 group
Suzerain Rukh Scraven, 15 group
Thanos, 53
Skeleton (Mounted)
Skeleton Ranger, 19 group
Thornling Worrier, 16
Thornling Harrower, 17
Rankle Thornling, 18
Thornling Marksman, 19
Thornling Crippler, 20
Thornling Ringleader, 22 group