Crafted Armor

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Categories of Armor Crafting

The Craft tab of the Skills panel displays five categories of armor crafting, one for each race:

  • Armor: Empyrean
  • Armor: Drudge
  • Armor: Human
  • Armor: Lugian
  • Armor: Tumerok

Subcategories of Armor Crafting

Within each racial category there are subcategories for different items of armor, based on where the armor is worn. Each race has six such categories:

Worn On Human Tumerok Lugian Empyrean Drudge
Head Helms Shakos Heaumes Helms Hats
Torso Jackets Breastplates Pauldrons Breastplates Armor
Torso and Legs Robes Robes Robes Robes Rags
Legs Greaves Leggings Kilts Leggings Shinguards
Hands Gloves Bracers Gauntlets Gauntlets Wristguards
Feet Boots Moccasins Sandals Boots Sandals

Additional sub-categories include:

  • Miscellaneous Recipes - Armor Dyeing. Despite being under a specific racial category, armor pieces of any race may use any dye recipe.
  • Practice Recipes - Practice Empyrean Armor. These recipes require the least amount of materials and are ideal for improving a crafter's skill.
  • Lodestones - Device. Used to create items for the Sigil of Unity quests.

Styles and Tiers

Most subcategories have four recipes to choose from, the exception being robes and Drudges (see Notes on Drudge Armor Crafting below). Each recipe has its own "style", which can be viewed via the Examine panel. These styles are associated with a certain beneficial effect or effects. For simplicity, styles are often referred to in-game as "tiers", which is derived from the order in which they appear in the panel. Additionally, the recipe title indicates which style it is, using common titles between all subcategories of a given race.

Style Tier Human Tumerok Lugian Empyrean Drudge
Light 1 Soft Leather Vine Scout Soft Leather Skull
Flexible 2 Brigandine Tribal Skirmisher Brigandine Spiked
Reinforced 3 Cuirboulli Ritual Warrior Cuirboulli Board
Battle 4 Augmented Savage Stalwart Augmented Painted Wood

The following outlines the effects of a given item of armor depending on its Tier:

Worn On Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
Head + Health Regeneration + Maximum Vigor + Chance to Negate All Damage + Armor Rating
Torso + Health Regeneration + Maximum Vigor + Chance to Negate All Damage + Armor Rating
Torso and Legs - + Maximum Vigor
+ Enchantment Slots
- -
Legs + Health Regeneration + Maximum Vigor + Chance to Negate All Damage + Armor Rating
Hands + Health Regeneration + Maximum Vigor + Melee, Missile and Magic Accuracy + Armor Rating
Feet + Health Regeneration + Maximum Vigor + Movement Speed + Armor Rating

Item Level

Within a recipe there is the option to change its Item Level. When crafting a piece of armor at Item Levels 1-50, the Requirements for Use of the resulting item will include a Minimum Level corresponding to the Item Level. For crafts above level 50, the Requirements for Use will include a set amount of Arcane Lore.

See Arcane Lore (Crafting).

Recipe Difficulty

When examining a recipe there is given a difficulty range. This difficulty value determines, in relation to your skill level in the appropriate craft category, what the chance to succeed will be. The chance to succeed is then reflected in the color of the recipe title, with an approximate success rate being: green (100% and no craft XP), blue (90%), white (70%), yellow (50%), red (30%), purple (10%) and grey (0%, not attemptable). A skill level equal to that of the recipe's difficulty will result in a white recipe.

The difficulty of a recipe increases both with Item Level and with Tier, such that an Item Level 1, Tier 1 recipe will be the easiest to succeed with while a Level 100, Tier 4 recipe will be the most difficult. The following outlines such difficulty scaling:

IL Tier 1 Tier 2 Tier 3 Tier 4
1 1 - - -
15 45 55 - -
25 75 85 100 -
35 105 115 130 150
50 150 160 175 195
100 300 310 325 345

To determine the difficulty of a given recipe, use the following formula:

  • (Item Level * 3) + (L100 Difficulty - 300)
  • The exception to this rule being Item Level 1, Tier 1 recipes.


The following is a summary of all gathered materials:

Mined Refined Butchered
Crystal.jpg Bone
Iron.jpg Iron
Silver.jpg Silver
Stone.jpg Stone
Wood.jpg Wood
Dramastic.jpg Dramastic
Moonglass.jpg Moonglass
Runewood.jpg Runewood
Steel.jpg Steel
Tukalite.jpg Tukalite
Bone.jpg Bone
Chitin.jpg Chitin
Hide.jpg Hide
Sinew.jpg Sinew
Tallow.jpg Tallow

The following is a summary of all NPC-bought materials:

Bought Cost (GpU) NPC Location
Coal.png Coal 0.5 Wolfgang the Trader
Ilse the Trader
Ursula the Trader
Cragstone (32.1N, 13.4W)
Ikeras (10.6N, 62.1E)
Linvak Tukal (10.0S, 31.2W)
Flawless Pyreal.png Flawless Pyreal 50 Sabine the Trader Cragstone (15.9N, 28.8E)
Gathered Deruwood.png Gathered Deruwood 50 Harald the Trader Hakata (8.7N, 75.4E)
Imbued Obsidian.png Imbued Obsidian 50 Frank the Trader Ondekodo (19.9S, 31.2W)

The following outlines which materials are used in which craft recipes:

Practice --- Tier 1 and Tier 2 --- Tier 3 and Tier 4
Human Iron.jpg Steel.jpg Sinew.jpg Coal.png Silver.jpg Dramastic.jpg Sinew.jpg Flawless Pyreal.png Coal.png Iron.jpg Steel.jpg Hide.jpg Flawless Pyreal.png
Tumerok Crystal.jpg Moonglass.jpg Tallow.jpg Coal.png Wood.jpg Runewood.jpg Tallow.jpg Gathered Deruwood.png Coal.png Crystal.jpg Moonglass.jpg Chitin.jpg Gathered Deruwood.png
Lugian Stone.jpg Tukalite.jpg Hide.jpg Coal.png Iron.jpg Steel.jpg Hide.jpg Imbued Obsidian.png Coal.png Stone.jpg Tukalite.jpg Bone.jpg Imbued Obsidian.png
Empyrean Silver.jpg Dramastic.jpg Chitin.jpg Coal.png Silver.jpg Dramastic.jpg Sinew.jpg Flawless Pyreal.png Coal.png Iron.jpg Steel.jpg Hide.jpg Flawless Pyreal.png
Drudge Stone.jpg Tukalite.jpg Sinew.jpg Coal.png Crystal.jpg Tukalite.jpg Hide.jpg Imbued Obsidian.png Coal.png Wood.jpg Runewood.jpg Chitin.jpg Imbued Obsidian.png

Note that the number of different materials involved in a recipe increases with Item Level.



Soft Leather

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4


IconCraftArmorTumerokHelmT1&2.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBreastplateT1.png IconCraftArmorTumerokLeggingsT1.png IconCraftArmorTumerokGlovesT1.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBootsT1.png
Tier 1
IconCraftArmorTumerokHelmT1&2.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBreastplateT2.png IconCraftArmorTumerokLeggingsT2.png IconCraftArmorTumerokGlovesT2.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBootsT2.png
Tier 2
Tier 2
IconCraftArmorTumerokHelmT3.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBreastplateT3.png IconCraftArmorTumerokLeggingsT3.png IconCraftArmorTumerokGlovesT3.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBootsT3.png
Tier 3
IconCraftArmorTumerokHelmT4.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBreastplateT4.png IconCraftArmorTumerokLeggingsT4.png IconCraftArmorTumerokGlovesT4.png IconCraftArmorTumerokBootsT4.png
Tier 4



Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4
Skirmisherset.png Craftedlugiant4.jpg


Soft Leather

Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 2

Tier 3

Tier 4



Tier 1

Tier 2

Tier 2

Tier 3
Painted Wood

Tier 4


Armor Rating

The basic Armor Rating of a piece of armor:

  • Increases with Item Level.
  • Differs depending on where the item is worn.
  • Has variation within a small range of 1-3 points.
  • Will gain a bonus if the craft is a critical success.
IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe
1 21 41 61 81
2 22 42 62 82
3 23 43 63 83
4 24 44 64 84
5 25 45 65 85
6 26 46 66 86
7 27 47 67 87
8 28 48 68 88
9 29 49 69 89
10 30 50 70 90
11 31 51 71 91
12 32 52 72 92
13 33 53 73 93
14 34 54 74 94
15 35 55 75 95
16 36 56 76 96
17 37 57 77 97
18 38 58 78 98
19 39 59 79 99
20 40 60 80 100

Combat Delay

The Combat Delay of an armor piece is random within a set range. This range is constant regardless of Item Level. The standard range is 5-19, with robes being the exception, having a range of approximately 10-40.

Enchantment Slots

Tier 1

Armor pieces of Tier 1 have an effect which increases the user's health regeneration rate. The amount is constant regardless of Item Level and only differs depending on where the piece is worn.

Tier 2

Armor pieces of Tier 2 provide a bonus to the user's maximum vigor. The amount increases with Item Level and differs depending on where the piece is worn.

Additionally, robes provide one extra enchantment slot. This amount is constant regardless of Item Level.

IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe ----- IL Head
Legs Torso Robe
1 21 41 61 81
2 22 42 62 82
3 23 43 63 83
4 24 44 64 84
5 25 45 65 85
6 26 46 66 86
7 27 47 67 87
8 28 48 68 88
9 29 49 69 89
10 30 50 70 90
11 31 51 71 91
12 32 52 72 92
13 33 53 73 93
14 34 54 74 94
15 35 55 75 95
16 36 56 76 96
17 37 57 77 97
18 38 58 78 98
19 39 59 79 99
20 40 60 80 100

Tier 3

Armor pieces of Tier 3 vary in effect.

Pieces worn on the head, torso and legs provide a chance to negate all incoming damage. The amount is constant regardless of Item Level but differs depending on where the piece is worn.

Hand armor provides a bonus to melee, missile and magic accuracy values. The amount increases with Item Level.

Foot armor provides a bonus to movement speed. The amount is constant regardless of Item Level.

Tier 4

Armor pieces of Tier 4 provide a bonus to the pieces own Armor Rating. The amount increases with Item Level and differs depending on where the piece is worn.

Notes on Drudge Armor Crafting

To unlock Armor: Drudge craft recipes, complete the following quests:

Limitations to crafted Drudge armor include:

  • Shinguards, Wristguards and Sandals have 50% Armor Rating compared to other races.
  • Armor, Shinguards, Wristguards and Sandals do not have the option for Tier 1 or Tier 2 recipes.

Variations within crafted Drudge armor include:

  • The minimum Item Level for Tier 2 recipes is 1 as opposed to 15 for the other races.
  • The minimum Item Level for Tier 3 recipes is 15 as opposed to 25 for the other races.
  • The minimum Item Level for Tier 4 recipes is 25 as opposed to 35 for the other races.
  • The difficulty of Tier 2 recipes scale 1 (L1) - 300 (L100) as opposed to 55 (L15) - 310 (L100).
  • The difficulty of Tier 3 recipes scale 55 (L1) - 310 (L100) as opposed to 100 (L25) - 325 (L100).
  • Rags use the 5-19 Combat Delay range instead of the higher range used for robes.
  • Male and female Drudges are anatomically identical; there is no visual difference in their armor.
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