Unique Handblade

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Ironbark Claw


Ironbarkclawicon.jpg Constructed from Elariwood and Iron, this handblade is extremely light and deadly.
Requirement: Level 30, Melee Grandmaster
Damage: 124-160
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 7
Vigor Cost: 10

Shenua's Left Claw


Thornwoodslashericon.jpg Used by Shenua when he was a young warrior, this claw is particularly dangerous against creatures of Decay.
Requirement: Level 28, must have completed Shenua the Cunning
Damage: 116-155
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 10
Vigor Cost: 4
Harmonic Bonus: 110% Decay

Shenua's Right Claw


Thornwoodslashericon.jpg Used by Shenua when he was a young warrior, this claw is particularly dangerous against Martial creatures
Requirement: Level 28, must have completed Shenua the Cunning
Damage: 116-155
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 10
Vigor Cost: 4
Harmonic Bonus: 110% Martial

Thornwood Slasher


Thornwoodslashericon.jpg Extremely sharp thorns adorn the blades of this weapon.
Requirement: Level 40, Melee Paragon
Damage: 171-228
Critical Hit: +2%
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 20
Iconweapontotem.jpg Violent Slash 9 bleed damage, 10 seconds, 15% chance. Does not stack with similar effects
Iconweapontotem.jpg Subdue Reduce combat speed equivalent to Toxicity, 5% chance. Does not stack with similar effects.



Inflictoricon.jpg Extremely sharp blades inflict additional damage to some creatures.
Requirement: Level 50, Melee Paragon
Damage: 240-320
Critical Hit: +2%
Combat Delay: 20
Vigor Cost: 25
Iconweapontotem.jpg Mete Out Increases damage done to Bloodstones, Armoredillos, Reedsharks, and Shreths.

Stickle Blade


Inflictoricon.jpg The Stickle Blade is capable of slowing your enemy's attack speed as well as bleeding them for damage.
Requirement: 38 arcane lore
Damage: 257-330
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 10
Focus Cost: 1
Iconweapontotem.jpg Gash 19-22 bleed damage, 15 seconds, 11% chance. Does not stack with similar effects
Iconweapontotem.jpg Toxicity Poison-based combat slow equivalent to lv 25 Still Water, 15 seconds

The Vindicator


Ironbarkclawicon.jpg Description.
Requirement: 44 arcane lore
Damage: 270-360
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 25
Vigor Cost: 25
Focus Cost: 2
Iconweapontotem.jpg Vindicate (1) Counterattack for 100-200 instant damage, 15% chance
Iconweapontotem.jpg Vindicate (2) 8-18 bleed damage, 15 seconds, 5% chance. Does not stack with similar effects

Clawmark Handblade


Ironbarkclawicon.jpg Exquisitely carved from a Needle Wood tree and outfitted with thin steel claws which are as sharp as razors.
Requirement: 90 arcane lore
Damage: 285-381
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 25
Vigor Cost: 25
Focus Cost: 3
Iconweapontotem.jpg Slice and Dice 15-22 bleed damage, 10 seconds, 10% chance. Stacks with other bleeds
Iconweapontotem.jpg Shredder 15-22 bleed damage, 20 seconds, 2% chance. Stacks only with Slice and Dice



Scarificatoricon.jpg A series of spring-loaded lancets are positioned along the weapon's edge.
Requirement: 136 arcane lore
Damage: 324-405
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 12
Vigor Cost: 12
Focus Cost: 4
Iconweapontotem.jpg Scarify 22-32 bleed damage, 15 seconds, 10% chance. Does not stack with similar effects.

Iconweapontotem.jpg = Spell can be bound.
Iconweapontotemwhite.jpg = Spell cannot be bound.

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