Unique Flail

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Battle Flail


Battleflailicon.jpg An average-sized flail capable of bludgeoning your opponent.
Requirement: Level 30, Melee Grandmaster
Damage: 120-160
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 20
Vigor Cost: 22
Iconweapontotem.jpg Bludgeon Foe (1) Reduce combat speed, equivalent to Toxicity, 10% chance. Does not stack with similar effects
Iconweapontotem.jpg Bludgeon Foe (2) 2 bleed damage, 60 seconds

Footman's Flail


Steelbandflailicon.jpg An extremely heavy iron flail.
Requirement: Level 40, Melee Grandmaster
Damage: 217-290
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 20
Vigor Cost: 22
Iconweapontotemwhite.jpg Grim Hit Does additional damage to armoredillos, shreths, and waraths

Blacked Flail


Blackedflailicon.jpg A lightweight flail which bashes the target for increased damage.
Requirement: Level 40, Melee Paragon
Damage: 171-228
Critical Hit: +2%
Combat Delay: 12
Vigor Cost: 23
Iconweapontotem.jpg Bash Foe 50 instant damage, 10% chance

Steelband Flail


Steelbandflailicon.jpg An intimidating flail constructed from bands of heavy steel and wrapped in tanned leather.
Requirement: 44 arcane lore
Damage: 270-360
Critical Hit: +2%
Combat Delay: 20
Vigor Cost: 25
Focus Cost: 2
Iconweapontotem.jpg Gravesend 6-15 bleed damage, 15 seconds, does not stack with similar effects

Glassing Flail


Steelbandflailicon.jpg The flail was carved from a translucent material and is extremely light.
Requirement: 90 arcane lore
Damage: 293-381
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 20
Focus Cost: 3
Iconweapontotem.jpg Slog Decrease attack speed for 20 seconds, equivalent to Sea

Guardsman Flail


Guardsmanflailicon.jpg An extremely sturdy and deadly flail.
Requirement: 136 arcane lore
Damage: 324-405
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 8
Focus Cost: 4
Iconweapontotem.jpg Guard +15 armor for entire fellowship, stacks with similar effects but not Armalcolite

Iconweapontotem.jpg = Spell can be bound.
Iconweapontotemwhite.jpg = Spell cannot be bound.

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