Unique Boulder

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Crushing Boulder of Demise


Dropastoneicon.jpg A black boulder capable of causing great pain.
Requirement: Level 40, Missile Grandmaster
Damage: 171-228
Critical Hit: +1%
Combat Delay: 21
Vigor Cost: 20
Iconweapontotem.jpg Demise Target is hit for massive damage, 5% chance

Immense Boulder


Immensebouldericon.jpg An immense boulder which can be thrown with such force as to flatten opponents.
Requirement: Level 50, Missile Paragon
Damage: 240-320
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 28
Vigor Cost: 25
Iconweapontotem.jpg Flatten 150 bonus damage and knockback
Iconweapontotem.jpg Squash 9 bleed damage, 15 seconds

Earthshine Boulder


Oortbouldericon.jpg An intense shine emanates from the mysterious boulder.
Requirement: 38 arcane lore
Damage: 247-330
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 15
Focus Cost: 1
Iconweapontotem.jpg Earthshine Target becomes blind and stunned for 15 seconds, 5% chance. Does not affect players

Star Fire Boulder


Oortbouldericon.jpg The fragmented boulder burns from within with compacted stellar matter.
Requirement: 44 arcane lore
Damage: 270-360
Critical Hit: +2%
Combat Delay: 25
Vigor Cost: 25
Focus Cost: 2
Iconweapontotem.jpg Star Fire 4-12 fire damage, 15 seconds



Meteoricon.jpg This unusual boulder was forged of darkmetal fallen from the sky. Its arcane energies are sometimes released on impact with great destructive force. Occasionally dropped by Raider Leaders.
Requirement: 70 arcane lore
Damage: 262-350
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 20
Vigor Cost: 5
Iconweapontotemwhite.jpg Meteor Detonation 400-600 points of fiery burning death!

Oort Boulder


Oortbouldericon.jpg Material has been compressed by extreme heat and pressure over a long period of time to form this boulder.
Requirement: 90 arcane lore
Damage: 285-381
Critical Hit: +1%
Combat Delay: 25
Vigor Cost: 25
Focus Cost: 3
Iconweapontotem.jpg Dust Trail 20-30 bleed damage, 15 seconds

Dropa Stone


Dropastoneicon.jpg A strange stone found deep inside ancient caves in the Linvak Mountains.
Requirement: 136 arcane lore
Damage: 355-405
Critical Hit: 0
Combat Delay: 15
Vigor Cost: 15
Focus Cost: 4
Iconweapontotem.jpg Orbit 425 instant damage and knockback, 5% chance

Iconweapontotem.jpg = Spell can be bound.
Iconweapontotemwhite.jpg = Spell cannot be bound.

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