Sorcerer build guide

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This build focuses on the Group Play aspect of the Sorcerer. Sorcerers have great Debuff abilities, good Fellow Buffs to enhance the group power and a decent capacity for damage dealing.

- Specifically, Sorcerers have the best Armor debuff in game, Gossamer Flesh.

Solo Play: This spec is designed for Group Play, but can be used to do some soloing. It is helpful to focus on killing magic using creatures where possible, and take them down one at a time (or kite and use Cassius' Circle of Flames).



This is a list specific Skills to take for focusing on Group play. Priority is given to skills that debuff monsters, increase accuracy (in order to land debuffs), or buff allies. There are several options left over to tailor to your specific playstyle, and are are listed in the Optional section below.


The most important skills are the Mastery skills, to ensure sufficient accuracy to land debuffs. In addition, some buffs and self healing are extremely helpful.

- It may be helpful to keep this around 40, to save XP and decrease the amount of HP damage taken.


These specific skills include buffs/debuffs needed for Group play.

- not very useful, learned as as it is required to learn other skills.
  • SkillAlacrity.png - Alacrity - Fellow Buff that increases combat speed.

Sorcerer Hero

These Skills are only available at lv 45+ and only after becoming a Hero.

- Keep this skill relatively low, as XP is better spent directly on skills.
  • SkillArcaneLore.png - Arcane Lore - Passive skill that allows players to equip better quality armor and weapons.
  • SkillGeomanticAlignment.png - Geomantic Alignment - A self buff that increases vigor regeneration and reduces vigor cost of skills for a limited time.
  • SkillBlightingGaze.png - Blighting Gaze - Damaging attack that also debuffs the target reducing the target's healing (Lv60+).
- Especially helpful on powerful group mobs, as this reduces their ability to heal themselves.
  • SkillRezarelsRuins.png - Rez'arel's Ruins - Target centered Damaging attack that also leaves a DoT on the target(Lv70+).

How to use build effectively

To get the most out of being the Group's Sorcerer, there are some important concepts to keep in mind:
1) Keep all buffs up at all times.
2) Ensure accuracy is as high as possible. Use a Soulbound weapon for the accuracy buff if needed.
3) If monster is in range, cast Gossamer Flesh.

- Be sure to recast Gossamer Flesh if mob will still be alive more than 30 seconds.

4) Cast Still Water or Ataxia, to minimize damage to tank/group.
5) If you haven't already, auto-attack and use other damaging abilities.
6) Watch for adds.

- If they are not Mezzed, cast Still Water and/or Ataxia, until they are brought under control.

7) You have a Heal and Vigor heal that can be used on yourself or others. Especially watch your Healer.
8) Your Quickening is best used on the top Damage Dealer, which hopefully is not you.

- Be sure to coordinate using Quickening with this Damage Dealer, so you do not overwrite their self speed buff.

9) Go have a sammich, sort your inventory or surf
10) Is mob still alive? Did you forget Goss?

Other usefull Skills

  • SkillAtaxia.png - Ataxia - Target Debuff that reduces all target's attack skills.
- Many Sorcerers take this skill as a secondary debuff.
  • SkillEncase.png - Encase - Fellow Buff that improves natural Armor.
  • SkillDrainHealth.png - Drain Health - Targeted Short Range Magic Attack that drains life and heals the caster.
- Some Sorcerers use Drain Health to increase solo survivability. Note that this skill is melee range.
- A very high damaging targeted skill so it can helps the sorcerer to increase solo damage and help group dps. Also very good in PVP due to vigor drain effect (usually unimportant on monster fights).

PVP aimed Skills

  • SkillVacuum.png - Vacuum - Range AOE Debuff that reduces Armor.
- this skill does not stack with other Armor debuffs.
  • SkillPalsy.png - Palsy - Range AOE Debuff that reduces vigor.
- this one and Runes from previous group are very good in PVP since vigor drain is very powerful in player fights.

Other possible Skills

  • SkillHeartofIce.png - Heart of Ice - Self Centered close range cold AOE that reduces run speed.
  • SkillCombustable.png - Combustable - Debuff that increases fire damage on target.
  • SkillSpontaniousCombustion.png - Spontanious Combustion - Targeted long range fire attack that leaves a fire DOT.
  • SkillRobustify.png - Robustify - Fellow Buff that improves health Regeneration (but not in combat.
  • SkillTenaciousness.png - Tenaciousness - Fellow Buff that improves Vigor Regeneration (but not in combat).
- these skills are only fillers if nothing else suits your game-play.

Base magic skills (up to Explosion) are a possible alternative for a sub-50 Sorcerer, but are quickly eclipsed by Sorcerer skills after about level 50.

Skills to avoid

- There are few specific cases where Lightning resistance could be helpful, but it is uncommon enough that it is definitely not worth 3 skill points.

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