Olthoi (Grub)

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Butcher Product: Chitin.jpg Tallow.jpg

Combat Notes


Creature Name Level Health Vigor Experience Location Trophies Skills Notes
Bulging Olthoi Grub Mound 0 solo 25,000 25,000 Arramora South, West, North Explodes and spawns Seething Olthoi Soldier Grub and four others
Olthoi Grub Mound 0 solo 19,750 20,000 Olthoi Wastes Spawns several Olthoi Grubs when killed
Olthoi Grub Mound (Arramora) 0 solo 25,000 25,000 Arramora South, West, North Explodes and spawns five Olthoi Soldier and Bombardier Grubs when approached
Olthoi Harvester Grub 31 solo 920 920 Olthoi Wastes, Olthoi Hive, Gauntlet Arena
Olthoi Gardener Grub 34 solo 1,150 1,150 Olthoi Wastes, Olthoi Hive
Olthoi Drone Grub 39 solo 1,600 1,600 Olthoi Wastes, Olthoi Hive
Olthoi Grub Spitter 39 solo 1,600 1,600 Gauntlet Arena
Olthoi Grub 45 solo 2,300 2,300 Olthoi Wastes
Olthoi Grub Bombardier 53 solo 4,600 4,600 Arramora South, West, North
Olthoi Soldier Grub 53 solo 4,600 4,600 Arramora South, West, North Olthoigrubmeat.jpg
Seething Olthoi Soldier Grub 53 solo 4,600 4,600 Arramora South, West, North Starts Olthoi Grub Soldier Raid quest
Olthoi Legionary Grub 57 solo 5,500 5,500 453,000 Heart of Darkness Olthoigrubmeat.jpg
Olthoi Noble Grub 59 solo 5,100 5,100 654,000 Heart of Darkness
Swarm Gardener Grub 62 solo 4,950 4,950 Knorr Ramparts
Olthoi Eviscerator Grub 64 solo 6,400 6,400 1,267,000 Heart of Darkness West
Olthoi Grub Tender 65 solo 7,800 7,800 1,495,000 Heart of Darkness West
Swarm Eviscerator Grub 76 solo 12,800 12,800 Knorr Ramparts, Knorr Desolation
Swarm Noble Grub 78 solo 12,100 12,100 Knorr Desolation

Description and Lore

The Olthoi were a monstrous insectoid race, accidentally brought to Dereth through one of Asheron's portals. Asheron saved the few Empyrean survivors from the Olthoi by sending them into portalspace. However, his magics disrupted this portalspace, and resulted in more portals appearing on many other worlds. These portals led to Dereth, and with Asheron's help, the Humans (led by heroes Thorsten Cragstone and Elysa Strathelar) were finally able to defeat the Olthoi Queen of Dereth. Although Dereth is free of Olthoi, the rest of the world is still overrun with these creatures.

The Olthoi could be thought of as ants, if ants stood on two legs, were 9 feet tall and had razor sharp pincers growing from their back. In the years that followed the Empyrean evacuation of Auberean, the planet that Dereth resides upon, the Olthoi destroyed much of what the Empyreans had built. However, the Falatacot had built their temples deep and strong, so the best the Olthoi could do is reveal the entrances to these temples. Ignorant to what was happening on the surface above, the Sclavus remained safe and went about the duties given them by their long dead masters. It was only when the humans arrived that things changed.

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