Mounts Quests

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Mounts in AC2 are Summoned by itens that you craft or earned in a quest. The first 3 continents have "mount quests" that allow you access to the mount craft recipe. The 4th continent (Arramora) introduced the "Hero Mount" witch gave players access to an Egg that summons the mount when used.

The Quests/Items that grant access to mounts recipes are:

Icon min Lv Quest Location XP Speed Cost Duration Monsters to kill
Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 1 Lost Wish Curse of the Undead Lost Wish 110 XP 140% 50g - 75g - 100g 15m - 30m - 60m Mounted Skeletons

Undead Carrion Shreths
Empowered Drudge Outcasts

Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 12 Prosper Marches Curse of the Undead Prosper Marches 1,400 XP 140% 50g - 75g - 100g 15m - 30m - 60m Skeleton Rangers

Undead Brutish Monougas
Empowered Scowl Drudges

Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 22 Lumari Curse of the Undead Lumari Spill Isles 21,600 XP 190% 500g - 750g - 1000g 15m - 30m - 60m Skeleton Riders

Empowered Kiree Burun
Undead Ulu Lords

Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 31 Vesayen Curse of the Undead Vesayen Islands 74,000 XP 190% 500g - 750g - 1000g 15m - 30m - 60m Skeleton Cavalry

Empowered Burun Immortal
Undead Serene Moarsmen

Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 41 Oriad Curse of the Undead Rings of Oriad 238,000 XP 230% 5000g - 7500g - 10000g 15m - 30m - 60m Skeleton Knights

Undead Stony Armoredillos
Empowered Gurog Henchmen

Iconunusualtyrantegg.jpg 51H The Mysterious Egg Arramora 7,500,000 XP 190% 5 Focus no timer none
Iconleyataursaddlepattern.jpg 16 Dereth Rally Omishan 0.5 %XP 230% free no timer none
  • Note: Dereth Rally only rewards with a mount if you win 7 races consecutively.

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