Fickle Fate

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Related: Armor Force, Reflection Force

SkillFickleFate.png Description Notes
Fickle Fate Using the skill, will randomly add a potent effect to the player and their fellowship. The vast majority of the skill’s effects are beneficial, though there are occasional negative effects. As the skill is raised in level, the potency of the beneficial effects goes up, while the potency of the negative effects goes down. Spending XP on this skill increases the amount of the effect.
Min Lv 70 requires HERO
Type Active Random Buff
Target Self Only
Main Effect Random effect, e.g. speed boost, vigor boost, damage boost, increased XP, increased accuracy, etc. Focus Cost: 35 (L1) - 45 (L10); Duration: 5 Minutes (Negative Effects), 15 Minutes (Positive Effects)
Max Skill Level 10
Hero Skill Credits 400
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