AC2 Portal Bot script

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Bjorn (talk) 21:33, 13 February 2013 (PST)

1. Download and install AC Tool

2. In-game setup prerequisites

  • \shortcut 1 \e accepts donations, drop on me
  • \shortcut 2 \e opens Ikeras
  • \shortcut 3 \e closes Ikeras
  • \shortcut 5 \e opens Cavendo
  • \shortcut 6 \e closes Cavendo
  • If you are using this in conjunction with the trade accept/liquidate macro, set game resolution to 1280x960

3. Set shortcut 4 to your Summon Lifestone skill, and bind to where you want it to open portals to

4. Set shortcut 7 to your Summon Portal skill and make sure your last portal used is where you want.
This may entail some long runs to your ultimate destination, or get help from another summoner

⇒TIP - Before starting, in AC Tool set "Number of times to run" = 0 (loop)

Portal Script source code is below this line (copy/paste)

   // These lines are necessary to select the proper window & startup delay
  SetActiveWindow Asheron's Call 2
     Delay 5000

   //Sets the key input delay so they don't all clump together when run
     KeyRate DELAY 1000

   //Main Call list for subroutines and delays
    Call PortalRecall
     Delay 11000
    Call LifestoneRecall
     Delay 6000

   //Main subroutines
  Procedure PortalRecall // Insert script commands here.  Use "CALL PortalRecall" to use.

   // Inputs in-game shortcut keys
    Keys 7 // Casts Summon Portal
    Keys 1 // Emotes "Donations accepted"
     Delay 10000
    Keys 2 // Emotes "Ikeras opening"
     Delay 27000
    Keys 3 // Emotes "Ikeras closing"
     Delay 2000

  Procedure LifestoneRecall // Insert script commands here.  Use "CALL LifestoneRecall" to use.

   // Inputs in-game shortcut keys
    Keys 4 // Casts Summon Lifestone
    Keys 1 // Emotes "Donations accepted"
     Delay 10000
    Keys 5 // Emotes "Cavendo opening"
     Delay 27000
    Keys 6 //Emotes "Cavendo closing"
     Delay 2000
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