My Sweet Bouquet by TelefloraSweeten their day with this romantic gift of roses and carnations in our sparkling mercury glass vase. Your lucky someone will adore the flowers now, cherish the vase for years, and love you forever!... |
Teleflora –
Tantalizing Tulips Bouquet by TelefloraPure lovely. Long-stemmed purple tulips are a tantalizing treat in our shimmering mercury glass vase. This bouquet is a timeless symbol of your singular love.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Dazzling Day BouquetPure pretty! This classic floral design puts a romantic spin on your birthday wishes in soft shades of pink and yellow. Presented in an antique-style vase, the traditional bouquet is finished with a fun mylar balloon... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Turn Up The Pink BouquetPop goes the pink! A gorgeously chic gift for any occasion, this perky pink and orange bouquet is pure fun, especially when it's hand-delivered in our fabulous fuchsia Cube!. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Simply Pink BouquetNothing's prettier than pink - and this bouquet is bursting with it! Delicate roses and alstroemeria look even more delightful in our brilliant gem vase, a gift she can enjoy for years to come as an elegant votive candle holder!. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Basket Of Beauty BouquetA tisket, a tasket, send this beautiful Easter basket! Bursting with a garden of colorful spring flowers, our finely crafted ceramic basket brightens any room or table with cheerful Easter color.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Lavender Laughter BouquetSpread the love, spread the laughter, with this perky lavender and white arrangement! Bursting with snow-white alstroemeria, miniature lavender carnations and delicate waxflower, this bouquet is finished with a glistening lavender ribbon for an extra special touch.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Red Radiance BouquetDazzle her this Valentine's Day with red roses hand-delivered in our breathtaking, custom-crafted art glass vase! Guaranteed to wow - this is a grand gift she'll never forget.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Be Sweet BouquetIt's traditional. It's contemporary. It's the perfect gift for a sweet someone who's a little of both: Classic lavender roses and pink hydrangea presented in a wow glass cube with a dazzling silver finish. She'll be touched and impressed. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Crazy for You Bouquet with Red RosesThis wildly romantic bouquet is called "Crazy for You" because that's what she'll be when she sees it. Luscious red roses, white alstroemeria and pink carnations in a dazzling silver reflections vase - beautifully breathtaking... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Grand Sunshine BouquetSend sunshine! Nothing brightens their day like a warm mix of golden sunflowers and orange alstroemeria. A unique gift they'll never forget, this sunshine bright bouquet is hand-delivered in our exclusive ceramic cachepot-a magnificent, multi-glazed piece made in Portugal... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Sweet Fire Bouquet with RosesDazzle your special someone with a gorgeous bouquet of pink and orange roses in a sparkling pink cut-glass votive bowl. When the flowers are gone, this stunning votive holder, aglow with soft candlelight, sets the mood for love... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Fleur-de-Love BouquetA grand bouquet made especially for Grandparents Day. Lovely pink roses and white lilies fill the charming Fleur-de-Love Pitcher perfectly. This elegant keepsake displays a fleur-de-lis motif for a classic flair. This pitcher will be treasured for years to come. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Southern Belle BouquetFull of charm. Orange roses and alstroemeria are arranged in our gold mercury glass julep for a stunning effect... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Shimmering White BouquetWatching snow fall softly, silently is one of life's loveliest experiences. And the feeling is stirred by this enchanting bouquet of serenely beautiful white flowers in an exquisite silver reflections vase. Give someone you love a whiter Christmas.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Fall Brights BouquetRing in the season with this fresh, colorful arrangement of lilies and alstroemeria. Hand-delivered in our beautifully crafted vase, it's an easy way to brighten anyone's day!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Fun 'n Festive BouquetA celebration in a mug! Make a special day even more memorable with this bright, beautiful gift. Radiant orange roses and rich red carnations burst with happiness from a festive mug they'll love sipping from for years to come!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Fancy Free BouquetJuicy orange and fuchsia blooms are a fancy-fun way to celebrate that special someone. This beautiful bouquet of fresh, sherbet-hued flowers is presented in our orange Serendipity vase - a heartwarming gift all year long!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Country Splendor BouquetSend splendor someone's way with this gorgeously golden fall bouquet, presented in Teleflora's charming French Country pot.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Sweet Surrender BouquetSurrender to the elegant, natural beauty of tulips. Over a dozen red and pink flowers are presented in our graceful Silver Reflections vase. It's an understated presentation that highlights the tulips' natural beauty - as well as your love and friendship.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Wrapped With Passion BouquetWrap her in love with this dramatic display of affection! Inspired by Italian art glass, this resplendent, hand-blown glass vase is hand-wrapped with a delicate glass ribbon and filled with a radiant bouquet of romantic long stemmed red roses and feminine stargazer lilies. It's a luxurious Valentine's Day gift that's sure to sweep her off her feet!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Warm Fall Wishes BouquetCelebrate the beauty of fall with this colorful, heartwarming mix of roses and alstroemeria, hand-delivered in our classic ceramic pumpkin.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Fiesta BouquetMake any day feel like a fiesta with these fabulous flowers! Hand-delivered in a stylish turquoise cube vase for the perfect contrast, these fun fuchsia roses and bright orange lilies are instant mood-lifters!. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Citrus Smiles BouquetSmile awhile! This spirited mix of happy citrus blooms will brighten the room, and their mood. The cheerful bouquet of roses, carnations and mums is hand-delivered in an exclusive Color Splash cube... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Pleasing Purple BouquetEager to please! This luxurious bouquet of lavender roses and snow white lilies is a fabulously fragrant way to tickle their fancy. It's lovingly hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a gift that will keep on giving, year after year!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Pop Of Fun BouquetPop go the petals! This festive, fun-loving mix of flowers is a cheerful gift for any occasion. Hand-delivered in our exclusive Color Splash cube, these pink roses and bright peach lilies are guaranteed to please!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Golden Laughter BouquetAs joyful as the laughter of a good friend, this mood-lifting mix of yellow roses and white lilies is artistically arranged in our exclusive Color Splash cube for a look that's modern and playful. What a stylish way to make someone's day!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Harvest Splendor BouquetThis beautiful bouquet of warm autumnal blooms and crisp white lilies, arranged in our elegant mercury glass julep, is sure to delight!. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Emerald Elegance BouquetRenew their spirit with this refreshing arrangement of green and yellow blooms in our emerald, mirrored glass cube - a lovely gift for anyone, anytime.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Breathless BouquetWhen we say it will leave her breathless, we're not exaggerating. She'll be swept away by the lush lavender roses, white orchid and other fabulous favorites in a Silver Reflections vase... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Peace & Joy BouquetSurprise a faraway friend with this elegant array of Christmas flowers. White roses, lilies and other favorites are displayed in a chic mirrored silver cube. Simple and affordable, it is a lovely gift that will brighten spirits without breaking your bank.. |
Teleflora –
Thoughts of You Bouquet with Red RosesSomebody's gonna get a beautiful surprise. Imagine her smile when this lovely bouquet of roses arrives at her door - for no special reason at all. Except that you love her. You are going to be such a hero. |
Teleflora –
Simply Splendid BouquetA simply splendid way to surprise someone special! Hand-delivered in a stylish, leaf-wrapped vase, This sophisticated, sunshiny arrangement of hydrangea and roses is an instant pick-me-up!. |
Teleflora –
Kindest Heart BouquetShare your heart's true feelings with this delightful red and white bouquet. A lovely choice on Valentine's Day or any day of the year, this charming mix of red and white blooms is a classic show of kindness they'll always remember... |
Teleflora –
Madly in Love Bouquet with Red Roses by TelefloraSurprise her with roses in four gorgeous shades of love artistically arranged in a red contemporary cube. Imagine the look on her face when she opens the door and sees this ravishingly romantic bouquet. She'll fall in love with you all over again.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Purple Medley Bouquet with RosesElegance without extravagance, this magnificent bouquet features a gorgeous blend of pink roses and lavender favorites in a classic ginger jar of translucent purple. The effect is stunning!... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Roses and Moonlight BouquetLavender roses have never been more spectacularly presented than in this dazzling Silver Reflections vase. Certain to be an instant favorite, this lovely vase will remind her of you every time she uses it, which will be often... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's True Romance Bouquet with Red RosesTurn up the heat on a new romance - or a lifelong love affair - with this premium red rose bouquet. It features fifteen of our finest red roses accented with smaller red spray roses and luxuriant greens. It's all artfully arranged in our stunning Silver Reflections vase.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Loving Lilies and Roses BouquetA touching tribute. This elegant, large sympathy arrangement is an impressive mix of white asiatic lilies and creme roses, presented in a beautiful urn vase... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Wrapped In Roses BouquetNothing steals her heart on Valentine's Day quite like a ravishing bouquet of red roses! These fresh, fabulous blooms are hand-delivered in a gorgeous hand-blown glass vase with hand-applied glass ribbon, two gifts in one that she'll never, ever forget.... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Love Forever Bouquet with Red RosesTickle her heart with this flirtatious mix of romantic roses, lisianthus and tulips. This bouquet is arranged in our elegant Silver Reflections vase. It's a vase she's sure to hold on to - and it'll always remind her of you.. |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts Bouquet with Red RosesYou love Teleflora's Sweet Thoughts bouquet, and you'd like to make a big impression. Send this premium version, and they'll know they've got your heart! With more roses - but the same classic, collectible cube vase in a shade of warmest crimson - this gift will be a surefire hit... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Love Medley Bouquet with Red RosesSing her a love song - with flowers. This lush, loving premium rose arrangement tells her just how much you care... |
Teleflora –
Teleflora's Roses and Pearls BouquetThe doorbell rings. When she opens the door and sees this spectacular array of roses and lilies, her eyes will sparkle like the dazzling pink reflections vase that holds them... |
Teleflora –
Love's Divine Bouquet - Long Stemmed RosesIt's like receiving an armful of love. This big, beautifully billowing bouquet of lush red and white roses in a sparkling Ming vase is guaranteed to take her breath away. She'll be dazzled, touched - and so glad that you're her guy.. |
Teleflora –
Hugs and Kisses Bouquet with Red RosesWhether for your significant other or your sister, aunt or grandmother, this delightful floral gift is a sweet way to say "I love you." Sweet price, too... |
Teleflora –
A La Mode Bouquet with Long Stemmed RosesGo all out for love with this breathtaking bouquet of pink orchids, pink roses, lavender roses and other fabulous favorites in a stylish flared glass vase. She will definitely be bowled over... |
Teleflora –
Lavish Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed Red RosesBe still my heart! What an impression you'll make when you send her this gorgeous array of red roses and fragrant pink lilies in a classic reception vase.... |
Teleflora –
Be My Love Bouquet with Red RosesAdd some romance to the holiday season with this rich arrangement of luxurious flowers in classic winter colors. Red roses, snow white lilies and playful daisies are gathered in a ruby red vase she'll use well beyond Christmas!... |
Teleflora –
My True Love Bouquet with Long Stemmed RosesEmbrace her with long stem red roses! Nothing delights like one dozen ravishing red roses. Full and fresh, they're arranged in a pretty glass vase with lush greenery, a classic symbol of your endless love... |
Teleflora –