Tyrant Armor

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Series Overview

Crafting a set of Tyrant armor encompasses four different quests and requires gathering a range of materials, some of which involve defeating the most indomitable of monsters. The most difficult parts are intended as multi-fellow raids. There is not a strict order in which the quests must be done. You do not need to be on the quests in order to gather the materials, so this can be done first if you wish. The only restriction is that you cannot take Darvain's Reward if you already have a Lament quest running; you can however receive the Lament quests after taking Darvain's Reward.

Karu's Lament Kiraly's Lament Tyke's Lament Darvain's Reward
Requirements: Level 45+ Level 45+ Level 45+ Level 45+
Type: Group Group Group Group
Start Location: Linvak Tukal Arhovas Keidelur East Vesayan Outpost
Quest Starter: Karu Geddon (10.4S, 31.6W) Kiraly Geddon (4.8S, 44.8W) Tyke Geddon (18.4S, 14.3W) Darvain Geddon (10.2N, 89.1E)
Time Limit: No time limit No time limit No time limit No time limit
XP Reward: 25,000,000 25,000,000 25,000,000 20,000,000
Other Rewards: Tyrant Plate (Chest) Tyrant Plate (Legs) Tyrant Plate (Hands) Tyrant (Head)
Repeat Time: 13 days 13 days 13 days 13 days
Related Quests: Blood of Tyrants Blood of Tyrants Blood of Tyrants Blood of Tyrants


Karu's, Kiraly's and Tyke's Lament

To begin the three quests, speak to:

You will in turn receive a:

Each of which must be delivered to their father:

He will return to you the following items:

Deliver them respectively to:

Consult the Materials section for information on how to acquire Tyrant trophies. Each of these trophies will be returned to you.

Completing the latter task will give you three craft recipes under:

  • Quest Recipes: Armoresmith's Lament

Crafting each piece will complete its associated quest.

Darvain's Reward

For this part of the series you must not have any of the Lament quests already running. You will also either need several fellowships at the minimum level or high level assistance in order to successfully attempt this quest.

To begin, travel and speak to:

Then swim north to:

After entering the portal:

Tips to defeat her:

  • Kill all Tyrant Hatchlings before engaging Lady Silva or the two Guardian Tyrants
  • Use a Tyrant Warder Stone to ward against some debilitating effects
  • Keep the Guardian Tyrants mesmerized if possible
  • Have the tank(s) turn Lady Silva to face away from other players so that they avoid area-of-effect attacks
  • She has an attack with a 1 minute vigor-draining effect; take care to avoid losing all vigor
  • Support should get only as close as is necessary
  • Be prepared for respawns if the kill is slow

Once successful your quest will advance. Return to:

He will give you a new craft recipe under:

  • Quest Recipes: Darvain's Reward

Crafting the piece of armor will complete the quest.


Tyrant's Claw, Eye, Tooth and Tongue

The following table shows which trophies are required to craft each piece of armor.

Quest Tyrant's Claw Icon.png Claw Tyrant's Eye Icon.png Eye Tyrant's Tooth Icon.png Tooth Icontyrantstongue.jpg Tongue
Karu's Lament 1 1 1 0
Kiraly's Lament 1 1 1 0
Tyke's Lament 1 1 1 0
Darvain's Reward 1 1 1 1
Total 4 4 4 1

The best way to farm these trophies is to kill level 60 group Nestling Tyrants, which are found around the Mount Malthabbor and Gevoth regions. They drop all three of the main trophies: the claws, eyes and teeth. If you are making the helm and require a tongue, these are only found by killing Tyrants in the crater south of East Gevoth Outpost.

Locations of Tyrants in East Gevoth

The following table outlines the drop rate for each trophy on different Tyrants, tested from 30 kills of each of the five crater Tyrants and 50 kills of the Nestling Tyrants. The scale is a generic crafting trophy and is not needed for this quest series.

Creature Tyrant's Claw Icon.png Claw Tyrant's Eye Icon.png Eye Tyrant's Tooth Icon.png Tooth Icontyrantstongue.jpg Tongue Tyrant's Scale Icon.png Scale
Spindrift Tyrant - - - 16.67% -
Crag Tyrant 10.00% - - 16.67% -
Cloud Tyrant - - - 6.67% 23.33%
Squall Tyrant - 13.33% - 16.67% -
Storm Tyrant - - 13.33% 23.33% -
Nestling Tyrant 24.00% 30.00% 34.00% - -

Tyrant's Scales

The Tyrant's Loft is a dungeon located at 10.4S, 52.8W, near East Gevoth Outpost via Palisade or Gurokora and is home to the most fearsome of beasts known to Linvak Massif. Inside you will come across a sequence of eight large rooms, connected by corridors, each home to a formidable boss Tyrant. Defeating these Tyrants will allow you to loot the Unblemished, Pristine and Flawless Tyrant Scales required to craft the Tyrant Plate (Hands), Tyrant Plate (Legs) and Tyrant Plate (Chest) respectively.

You do not need to be on any quest in order to loot a scale, with the exception of the Flawless Tyrant Scale which requires the quest 'Slay Lord Deimos' that begins automatically upon entering Lord Deimos' lair. This means that you must be in the fellowship that kills Lord Deimos in order to loot the Flawless Tyrant Scale. You only need one of each scale and they are attuned so you should not loot duplicates.

This part is extremely tough for players to accomplish at level 45 and will either require several fellowships or high level assistance.

Loft Boss Tyrant Level Type Health Scale(s) Other Tyrants
Corridor 1 - - - - - -
Room 1 Ahria, Queen of Night 54 Group 150,000 - 2 Tyrant Hatchlings
Corridor 2 - - - - - 2 Tyrant Hatchlings
Room 2 Dak, Breeder of Pestilence 57 Group 200,000 2 Unblemished 2 Tyrant Hatchlings
Corridor 3 - - - - - 3 Tyrant Hatchlings
Room 3 Pitho, Guardian of the Flames 57 Group 250,000 2 Unblemished 3 Tyrant Hatchlings
Corridor 4 - - - - - 2 Tyrant Hatchlings
Room 4 Spirrus, Protector of Wind 58 Group 350,000 2 Unblemished, 1 Pristine 5 Tyrant Hatchlings, 2 Guardian Tyrants
Corridor 5 - - - - - -
Room 5 Paragos, Eminent Archon 59 Group 375,000 1 Unblemished, 2 Pristine 8 Tyrant Hatchlings
Corridor 6 - - - - - 2 Tyrant Hatchlings,
Room 6 Dirlok, Master of the Arcane 60 Group 425,000 2 Pristine 3 Tyrant Hatchlings, 2 Guardian Tyrants
Corridor 7 - - - - - 3 Tyrant Hatchlings
Room 7 Gan, Dark Knight 61 Group 500,000 2 Pristine 2 Tyrant Hatchlings, 1 Tyrant Protector
Room 8 Lord Deimos 62 Group 700,000 9 Flawless 2 Tyrant Protectors

Mined and Butchered

With the exception of the helm, each piece of armor requires a small amount of mined and butchered materials. The type depends on your race.

Armor Piece Human Tumerok Lugian Empyrean Drudge
Chest 350 Iron
350 Tallow
350 Wood
350 Bone
350 Stone
350 Hide
350 Wood
350 Bone
350 Wood
350 Bone
Legs 300 Iron
300 Tallow
300 Wood
300 Bone
300 Stone
300 Hide
300 Iron
300 Tallow
300 Iron
300 Tallow
Hands 250 Silver
250 Sinew
250 Silver
250 Sinew
250 Silver
250 Sinew
250 Silver
250 Sinew
250 Silver
250 Sinew
Head - - - - -


Each recipe requires an amount of Coins to craft: 50,000 for the chest, 25,000 for the legs and 10,000 each for the hands and head pieces.


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Tyrant Armor Human.png Tyrant Armor Tumerok.png Tyrant Armor Lugian.png Tyrant Armor Empyrean.png

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