Release Uncle Finiel

From Asheron's Call 2
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Quest Overview

Eliminate the skeleton Uncle Finiel.
Start Location: Jethric's Outpost; 32.8S, 52.5E
Requirements: Lvl 45
Quest Starter: Gerald Maquail
Time Limit: Time limit until the quest fails
Repeat Time: 5 days, 23 hours
XP Reward: 14,000,000
Other Rewards: Gerald's Key
Related Quests:


Speak to Gerald Maquail at Jethric's Outpost to begin the quest. Uncle Finiel is a fixed spawn at 36.3S, 55.1E and is found with a small group of undead. Kill it to advance the quest, and return to Gerald for your reward.

Lore & Dialog

Gerald Maquail tells you, "Greetings, traveler. Perhaps you can help me with a rather... delicate family matter. My Uncle Finiel was an avid explorer of these parts. A bit too avid, I'd say. He disappeared nearly a month ago, and even our best scouts couldn't find a trace of him. I'm afraid it gets worse, friend. Recently, a Cursed Bones looking remarkably like my uncle has been sighted near the perimeters of our outpost here. I'm afraid that he ran afoul of the undead of this island, and now he has been converted to their cause! Help me, adventurer, we must release my Uncle Finiel from his foul existence! you might be able to find him over the hills on the shore to the south. That was where his last explorations took him."

Gerald Maquail tells you, "Poor Uncle Finiel. May he find rest now that you have released him from his undead existence. Thank you traveler, for helping me with this family matter. Please take this key. Whatever you find within this chest is yours for the taking."

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