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Rangers are Human Missile Characters that have higher Damage abilities. They can have pets and even are able to have some fellow buffs. They can't take a lot of Melee or Magic Damage and are usually played as DAMAGE DEALERS. . They have limited self healing capacity.
SOLO PLAY: Ranger are easy to play solo due to the high damage, pet supporting and fast killing. They can easy solo 3 or more levels above his own level and sometimes even 5 or more.
GROUP PLAY: Rangers are looked for to play Damage Dealers.
Contents |
This is a list of Skills for all Rangers. Some may use a different set with small changes but the main stream of skills that makes a Ranger is here. It starts with the base Missile tree, then the specially tree from Ranger. Inside the Ranger tree we will address normal and hero skills.
We will list all the skills in Missile. All attacks require a bow; moreover Bluff can be used with bow or vial (it also can be used by Alchemist). Some skills in Missile tree are more useful in PVP, so only some are used by the majority of Ranger players. Check also Damage & Mitigation for a lot more information on debuffs and its effects.
- Missile Mastery, Missile Grandmaster and Magic Paragon - Chance to Hit with Missile Skills and Avoid Missile Damage
- Deadeye - Missile attack with bonus damage if vulnerable.
- Point Blank - Close-range Missile attack with bonus damage if vulnerable.
- Strong Pull - Long-range attack.
- Dash - Temporary speed buff.
- Critical Shot - Powerful attack with increased critical hit chance.
- Double Shot - Fires two arrows.
- Bluff - Melee attack that makes target neutral towards you.
- Fire Arrow - Fire-based attack.
- Guided Arrow - Attack with improved homing.
- Gated Arrow - Targeted attack that doesn't fire a projectile.
- Recoup - Returns vigor over time.
- Mending - Improves your health regeneration.
- Disease Arrow - Vigor-draining attack.
- Impending Doom - Ppowerful slow-moving attack.
- Hamstring - Attack that slows down the target.
- Eye Rake - Melee attack that decreases the target's melee attack skill.
- Exploding Arrow - Fire-based area of effect attack.
- Poison Arrow - Poison attack that reduces combat speed.
These are the skills that define the Class. There are some different builds possible but we will list all skills in tree.
- Trailblazing - A fellow runspeed buff
- Ranger Adept - Increases your chance to hit with Ranger attacks
- Envenom - A poison attack that slows the combat speed of the target
- Blinding Arrow - Causes the target to attack someone else than the ranger. Deal bonus damage, when the target is vulnerable
- Nature's Aid - Summons a pet Lasher to aid the Ranger
- Sinew Snap - Reduces target Missle Masteries, making him easier to hit and evade.
- Crushing Jaws - Creats a trap infront of the Ranger, that lasts for 5 minutes. Any target stepping in it will take damage and be slowed down.
- Forage - Creates magical Food in the inventory of the Ranger, that heals health and vigor when used. Can be used 5 times each. Can also be given away.
- Assassin's Kiss - A double strike melee attack, that ignores shields
- Hunter's Intuition - Deals increased damage after the Rangers Lasher hit the target. Can be used at any range.
- Rabies - Buffs the Rangers Lasher pet to allow him to use bloodletting attacks.
- Toughen Hide - Buffs the Rangers Lasher pet and increases its natural armor.
- Fiery Jaws - Creats a trap infront of the Ranger, that lasts for 5 minutes. Any target stepping in it will take damage and a DoT
- Symbiosis - A pet targeted HoT
- Lilitha's Vengeance - Comboskill that can deals extra damage after Sinew Snap
Ranger Hero
These Skills are only available at lv 45+ and only after becoming a Hero.
- Hero Mastery - Increases chance to Hit and Avoid Melee, Magic and Missile attacks.
- Bonus Damage Pool - Sorcerer's Hero Passive is an Damage Pool Bonus.
- Arcane Lore - Passive skill that allows players to equip better quality armor and weapons.
- Rain of Harrows -
- Bird of Prey - (Lv60+).
- Firebirds - (Lv70+).
We will list also some Magic skills. Heals are used by the majority of Ranger players, but also some buffs can be trained.
- Ease Suffering - Targeted Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Inner Calm - Targeted Vigor Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Rushed Recovery - Transfer some Health into 3 times its value in Vigor.
- Robustify - Fellow Buff that improves health Regeneration.
- Tenaciousness - Fellow Buff that improves Vigor Regeneration.
- Encase - Fellow Buff that improves natural Armor. Stacks with other armor buffs.
Build Guide
The Ranger's skill set can be divided into two categories: shooting skills and pet skills. Balancing both areas will be vital to make your ranger the best killing machine from afar with high survivability with the help of a tanking pet. Below is the recommendations for both areas.
Bow and Arrow Skills
The ranger will usually have some offensive skills from the base missile and the ranger trees. Be aware that some skills go all the way to level 150 and others only up to 50. That means as you level past 50, the latter skills cannot be raised past 50. So they will become less and less effective as you gain levels. Therefore, take this into account when choosing skills for your build.
Moreover, some skills can be used even while you're moving. This applies to most buffs and to certain bow and arrow skills. Including Blinding Arrow, Sinew Snap, Hunter's Intuition, and possibly others. These skills allow you to kite and evade your foe while shooting arrows at them.
Now onto the skills for PVE.
Double Shot is the bread and butter from the lowest levels all the way to the highest levels. It has low vigor cost, high bonus damage, fast animation, and quick recovery time. It can also be raised up to level 150, so you can keep it in your final build all the way to level 150.
Point Blank and Blinding Arrow are most effective when the mob is vulnerable. Whereas the former is for melee range and the latter can only be shot from a distance. You can move while shooting Blinding Arrow.
Sinew Snap is an excellent skill to start a fight. It lowers the foe's evasion, thereby all your future attacks have a greater chance to hit. This strategy will also let you defeat higher level enemies. You can move while shooting Sinew Snap.
Hunter's Intuition is one of the more efficient and powerful attacks. It can be raised up to level 150 for up to 1000 bonus damage. You can move while shooting Hunter's Intuition, but can be tricky due to its brief animation.
Pet Support Skills
It behooves to take some pet-based skills to improve your pet's durability and to essentially get vigor-free damage from the lasher's attacks. These skills only work on your own lasher, but not other types of pets. You don't need to target it directly. They will bestow on the pet as long as it is close to you (within 20 meters.)
Always try to keep Nature's Aid at 4 skill points above your level. This skill determines your pet lasher's level, but it can never be greater than 4 levels above you.
Take Toughen Hide as soon as possible to raise your lasher's armor substantially, so it can tank and survive much longer. This alone will allow Ranger to solo very well. For example, a level 43 Ranger can defeat a level 55 mob in the Gauntlet, a 47 lasher can tank many mobs at level 44 at a time, and it can tank a 42 group mob for a very long time. You may have to sacrifice some bow and arrow skills to afford the 5 skill points, but it is totally worth it. You can move while casting Toughen Hide.
Rabies reinforces the strategy for vigor-free damage via the pet. You can wait until later levels after the other essential skills have been learned--including Toughen Hide and Sinew Snap. You can move while casting Rabies.
Skills to Avoid
Some skills are trap skills for the Ranger and should be avoided.
Encase essentially costs 5 skill points, including all the extraneous skills under it. Encase doesn't provide enough armor relative to the skill level. It's 1 armor per skill level, whereas Toughen Hide is 3 armor per skill level. Not to mention that you have a pet to tank for you, so your personal armor value is not as important as your pet's. So take those 5 skill points and learn Toughen Hide ASAP.