Insight Jewels

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A reward from Cacophos quest and usable in the slots of the Guardian of Dereth Robe.

Icon Slot Name of Jewel Bonus
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 1 - Base Stats Guardian's Health Insight Jewel +5 Health Passive Skill
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 1 - Base Stats Guardian's Vigor Insight Jewel (+5 Vigor Passive Skill) +5 Vigor Passive Skill
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 1 - Base Stats Guardian's Power Insight Jewel +5 Damage Bonus Passive Skill
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 1 - Base Stats Guardian's Concentration Insight Jewel +5 Focus Passive Skill
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 2 - Expertise Guardian's Expertise Insight Jewel +5 Adept Skill ?(to be confirmed)
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 3 - Hero Skills Guardian's Deftness Jewel +5 T1 Hero Skill
Iconcacophosjewel.png Slot 3 - Hero Skills Guardian's Adroitness Jewel +5 T2 Hero Skill

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