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Harmonic Type:
Butcher Product: None

Combat Notes

Special Attacks/Defenses
Frailty.jpg Frailty
Questionmark.jpg Hollow Bolt


Creature Name Level Health Vigor Experience Location Trophies Skills Notes
Lesser Bloodstone 17 solo 435 435 84 All of Osteth Bloodstonenodule.jpg Bloodstoneooze.jpg ITEMBloodstoneCoreImage.png Sliverofenlightenmenticon.jpg
Oozing Bloodstone 21 group 2,150 2,150 All of Osteth Bloodstonenodule.jpg Bloodstoneooze.jpg ITEMBloodstoneCoreImage.png Sliverofenlightenmenticon.jpg
Bloodstone (Normal) 29 solo 1,050 1,050 All of Omishan Bloodstoneooze.jpg Bloodstonenodule.jpg ITEMBloodstoneCoreImage.png Shardofenlightenmenticon.jpg
Seeping Bloodstone 34 group 6,900 6,900 All of Omishan Bloodstonenodule.jpg ITEMBloodstoneCoreImage.png
Greater Bloodstone 41 solo 2,150 2,150 All of Linvak Massif Bloodstone Ichor
Sanguine Bloodstone 55 group Inside Catacombs of Artefon Salvation of Artefon quest
Weeping Bloodstone 60 group 62,000 61,000 All of Linvak Massif Bloodstonenodule.jpg ITEMBloodstoneCoreImage.png Shardofenlightenmenticon.jpg
Chaos Stone 62 group 52,500 52,500 Chaos Plane Chaos Eidolon

and Chaos Forge Dungeon

Description and Lore

Legends say that when the first lifestones appeared, instead of resurrecting one to life, they reanimated one's fallen body, forever tying the spirit to a rotting form. It is said that Lord Asheron soon fixed this horrible flaw... yet it seems the Archons have found a way to exploit and use this flaw to their advantage. Twisted lifestones, given a primitive intellect, now roam the countryside. Seeking out the forms of those who have fallen to bring them back to life in the Archons' service. With their creations let loose on the land, the Archons can continue to build their armies while devoting their full attention to uncovering the secrets of their sleeping master's power. But their overconfidence could prove to be their undoing. These Bloodstones may yet afford us the single chance to cross the line between life and undeath... to see what is on the other side.

Pages in category "Bloodstone"

The following 8 pages are in this category, out of 8 total.

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