Bounty Hunter
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Bounty Hunter are Human Melee Characters that have higher Damage skills, can use weapons in both hands and have unique skills to improve the chance to do extra triggers (critical damage, lucky events, etc.). They have bonus when striking from behind or sides so they are usually moving arround the target. Their role is DAMAGE DEALERS. They have limited to none healing capacities.
SOLO PLAY: Bounty Hunter are fair to play solo due to the high damage. They kill fast but they need to avoid damage. Usually can solo mobs 3 to 5 levels above his own level.
GROUP PLAY: Bounty Hunters are wanted in groups to do DPS. In a Fellow of 9 the vast majority will be damage dealers so there is always a spot for a skilled Bounty Hunter.
Contents |
This is a list of Skills for all Bounty Hunters. Some may use a different set with small changes but the main stream of skills that makes a Bounty Hunter is here. It starts with the base Melees tree, then the specially tree from Bounty Hunter and ends with the Magic skills. Inside the Bounty Hunter tree we will address normal and hero skills.
We will only list the skills that most Bounty Hunters use. All other skills in Melee tree can be learned and put to good use, but these are the most consensual ones:
- Melee Mastery, Melee Grandmaster and Melee Paragon - Chance to Hit with Melee Skills and Avoid Melee Damage
- Unpredictable Blow - Melee attack that ignores shields and adds damage when vulnerable.
- Backstab - A Melee attack that that does 20% extra damage if used from behind.
- Aura of Defense- A Self buff that increases the defense against all magic attacks.
- Find Hole - A Weapon Melee Attack that ignores armor.
- Aura of Deflection- A Self buff that increases the defense against all missile attacks.
- Peripheral Blow - A Melee attack that does 25% extra damage if used from the right side.
- Defensive Stance- A Self buff that increases the defense against all melee attacks.
- Featherweight- A target item buff that reduces its vigor cost.
- Blind Rage - A Melee attack that debuffs the target melee skills.
- Kidney Strike - A Melee attack that does 30% extra damage if used from the left side.
- Twin Blades - A Double Strike Melee attack.
- Adrenalize- A self buff that increases attack speed.
- Bide - A Melee attack that exposes the target to the End Game attack.
- Cutthroat - A Melee attack that does 40% extra damage if used from behind.
- Hail of Blows - A Triple Strike Melee attack.
- End Game - A Powerful Melee attack that does extra damage on critical targets and exposed targets.
Bounty Hunter
These are the skills that define the Class. There are some different builds possible but we will list all skills in tree.
- False Pretenses - Ranged Weak Weapon attack
- Bounty Hunter Adept - Mastery for Bounty Hunter Skills.
- Anemia - Melee Poison attack that debuffs attack speed.
- Breakneck - Self Combat Speed Buff
- Favored Blades - Triple Strike Melee attack with 20% critical chance
- Dishearten - A Melee attack that reduces vigor from target.
- Feign Death - A Melee attack that removes it from combat and eludes all monsters to think the caster is dead.
- Beguile - A melee attack puts the target in a lulled state.
- Paralyze - A Melee stun attack that reduces combat and run speed. More effective if used from behind.
- Bounce Back - A Vigor over time buff for a limited period.
- Ruse - An Armor ignoring Melee attack that taunts the target to attack the Caster.
- Puncture - A Melee attack that leaves a Bleeding DoT.
- Lucky Charm - Increases the caster's luck (in combat criticals, quality of a loot, etc.).
- Betrayal - A Powerfull Melee attack that can do ignoring armor damage and has 20% critical chance.
- Insidious Concoction - A Weapon buff that allows every strike of it to apply a vigor drain over time.
- Fate's Forgiveness - a self buff that allows the caster to avoid death for a limited period of time (if would be killed instead of will be at 1 life).
Bounty Hunter Hero
These Skills are only available at lv 45+ and only after becoming a Hero.
- Hero Mastery - Increases chance to Hit and Avoid Melee, Magic and Missile attacks.
- Bonus Damage Pool - Bounty Hunter's Hero Passive is a Damage Bonus.
- Arcane Lore - Passive skill that allows players to equip better quality armor and weapons.
- Assassin's Strike - Powerfull Melee attack that does double damage if used from behind.
- Treacherous Blades - Quadruple Melee attack that has a high chance to be critical strike.
- Wisdom of the Land - Fellow Buff that increases critical chance to all for a limited period of time. During that period all attacks to fellow players that would drop his life bellow 25% has a chance to do zero damage.
These are the skills from Magic tree that most Bounty Hunters take. Others are also possible but we are only going to list the more common ones:
- Ease Suffering - Targeted Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Inner Calm - Targeted Vigor Heal, small size and normal CD.
- Rushed Recovery - Transfer some Health into 3 times its value in Vigor.