Peex's Extensive Treatise on Accuracy and Evasion

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Everything you have ever wanted to know about accuracy and evasion in AC2.

What is accuracy and evasion?

Accuracy - Ability to hit target.
Evasion - Ability to evade attacks from others.
Chance to hit a target (e.g. monster), has hard limits set in place (for when player and monster are the same level): Maximum Accuracy is 95%, there is always a small chance for a target to evade Minimum Accuracy is 5%, there is always a small chance to hit target

Note - It may seem like there are streaks of misses or hits. While there is as low as 5% chance for either to occur, this mechanic is truly random. Most games actually fudge the numbers, prohibiting the chance of a bad string of misses artificially. Of course, this doesn't apply if the target is behind a tree or stuck in a rock for example.

While we don't have specifics, here is an example of Accuracy and evasion in action:

Assume all attacks, accuracy, and evasion is melee for this example.

Player: accuracy 100/evasion 100
Monster: accuracy 100/evasion 100
Since the accuracy and evasion are evenly matched, the player will not land relatively many attacks, and will be unable to evade some attacks from the monster.

Player: accuracy 200/evasion 200
Monster: accuracy 100/evasion 100
Since the player's accuracy is higher than mobs evasion, the player will land more attacks. Also, since the player has a higher evasion score, they will evade more of the monster’s attacks.


Masteries work like so:
Each point, gives some accuracy, and to a lesser degree evasion (for that type). However, you essentially need Masteries for your ’accuracy’, not ‘’evasion’’.

Unfortunately, there is relatively little evasion gained through Masteries, so it is very hard to have enough evasion to evade many attacks.

Train and increase Mastery for the basic template you are using (melee, missile, magic). Don't dabble in the others.

Type of equipped weapon has no effect on evasion (although if you have no weapon in hand you are more vulnerable).
Your accuracy and evasion is determined by level, level of Masterys, level of Heroic Mastery, followed by any buffs or debuffs.

For example: Melee
At higher levels, even with max Melee: Mastery, Grand Mastery, and Paragon, you will get hit pretty often by melee attacks, and will rely on your armor to make it not hurt so bad. The difference is, and the reason you take Masteries to begin with, is for accuracy, so you can hit your target.


‘’’From May 2005 patch notes’’’ "Examine window: Aside from the tabs, the examination panel is basically unchanged. However, one additional piece of information is now displayed: monsters now display the percentage chance you have to hit the target with an auto-attack. Note that this number doesn't take perks or Adept into account."

From testing, this % also may not take into account some accuracy increasing equipment or buffs.

The following is a listing of accuracy related skills in game.

Note: Masterys only provide their Accuracy or Evasion bonuses of the specific type (e.g. Melee Mastery for Melee accuracy, Magic Mastery for more Magic accuracy).

Level Req: 2 Skillpoints: 1
Increases the chance to hit with and defend against attacks. Each point of this skill increases accuracy by 2.4 points and evasion by 2 points.
Grand Mastery
Level Req: 15 Skillpoints: 3
Increases the chance to hit with and defend against attacks. Each point of this skill increases accuracy by 4.4 points and evasion by 4 points.
Level Req: 20 Skillpoints: 5
Increases the chance to hit with and defend against attacks. Each point of this skill increases accuracy by 6.4 points and evasion by 6 points.

Note: If you have Paragon trained, you are unable to train any other Paragon types.
Example: I trained Magic Paragon, I can't train Melee or Missile Paragon (nor would I want to)

Level Req: 15 Skillpoints: 2
Increases chance to hit and defend from attacks, of your specialization. Each point of this skill increases accuracy by 2 points and evasion by 2 points - of your specialization.

Note: There may be some skills in your base tree that gain bonuses from your Adept, you will have to check the tooltips.

Hero Mastery
Level Req: 45 (Hero) Skillpoints: 75 Hero Skill Credits
Increases the chance to hit with and defend against Melee, Missile and Magic attacks. Each point of this skill increases accuracy by 1 points and evasion by 1 points.

Note - Heroic Mastery increases accuracy and evasion for all three attack types, Melee, Missile and Magic.
While this can be learned as a level 45+ Hero; Mastery, Grand Mastery, Paragon and Adept should be raised to 50 first; since it is only 1 point of accuracy per point.

At Level 51+ the tooltip will show a recommended skill level.
My example:
Level 1: as a Mage, I trained Magic Mastery before even Flame Bolt. Then, I spent most of my XP to keep my Mastery relatively high (‘’’always’’’ higher than my skills).
Level 15: trained Magic Grand Mastery.
Level 20: learned Gossamer Flesh, which is a sweet debuff (as is Still Water).

f necessary, I would use a ‘’’Soulbound Weapon’’’ for additional accuracy

Level 25-32: due to limited skill points, I had to wait to train Magic Paragon.
Level 35-42: due to limited skill points, I was unable to take Adept until 40+, but I was able to get by due to having Paragon and a Soulbound weapon.

Paragon is VERY expensive to train, but provides 6.4 mastery per level.

Finally - By level 50, all Masteries and Adept should be leveled to 50.

After 51 I keep Heroic Mastery above 'Recommended', to ensure I can hit with Goss
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